The Hindu Editorial (Unfounded optimism) – Feb 01, 2020

The Hindu Editorial (Unfounded optimism) – Feb 01, 2020

As a report card-cum-blueprint for the future, Chief Economic Adviser (CEA) Krishnamurthy Subramanian’s Economic Survey 2019-20 is a mixed bag of interesting diagnosis… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Unfounded optimism) – Feb 01, 2020.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Unfounded optimism) – Feb 01, 2020:

  1. unfounded (adjective) – groundless, baseless, unjustified.
  2. optimism (noun) – hopefulness, confidence, positiveness.
  3. forecast (noun) – prediction, indication, projection.
  4. premise (verb) – suppose, assume, predicate, assert.
  5. blueprint (noun) – model, plan, template/framework.
  6. mixed bag (noun) – something having a mixture of (advantages and disadvantages) different things.
  7. diagnosis (noun) – identification, pinpointing, verification.
  8. optimistic (adjective) – positive, confident, hopeful.
  9. prognostication (noun) – prediction, forecast, projection.
  10. signpost (noun) – guide, indicator.
  11. rebound (verb) – bounce back, recover, pick up, rally (after decline).
  12. concede (verb) – admit, acknowledge, accept.
  13. sluggish (adjective) – inactive, dull, slow, unresponsive, lethargic.
  14. weigh down (phrasal verb) – trouble, worry/bother, disturb.
  15. credit growth (noun) – credit offtake; it refers to the growth/increase in the amount of credit that banks lend to the companies, individuals, etc.
  16. flag (verb) – indicate, identify, point out.
  17. reflection (noun) – indication, display; proof, evidence.
  18. financial fragility (noun) – the vulnerability of a financial system to a financial crisis; In macroeconomics, the term “financial fragility” is used to refer to a financial system’s susceptibility to large-scale financial crises caused by small, routine economic shocks.
  19. non-banking financial company (NBFC) (noun) – a company incorporated under the Companies Act 2013 or 1956 which is engaged in the business of loans and advances, acquisition of stocks, equities, debt etc issued by the government or any local authority. The main objective of this type of a company is to accept deposits under any scheme or manner.
  20. dynamic (adjective) – effective, aggressive, forceful/strong.
  21. avert (verb) – prevent, stop, avoid.
  22. incipient (adjective) – beginning, starting, initial.
  23. liquidity crisis (noun) – it refers to an acute shortage of liquidity.
  24. liquidity (noun) – the availability of liquid assets; liquidity means liquid assets; cash; (liquid asset is an asset which can be easily sold/converted into cash without losing its value); a measure of activity (i.e. the ability to buy or sell easily) in a market.
  25. downside (noun) – drawback, disadvantage, stumbling block/negative.
  26. outlook (noun) – prospects, expectations, likely improvement.
  27. uncertainty (noun) – doubtfulness, apprehension, unpredictability.
  28. escalation (noun) – intensification; an increase in the intensity of something.
  29. geopolitical (adjective) – relating to (the study of) the effects of geography (human and physical) on politics and international relations.
  30. insolvency (noun) – a condition in which the financial difficulties of an individual or organisation are such it is unable to pay its debts.
  31. fiscal pressure (noun) – fiscal burden; the influence of the tax levied on the purchasing power of the taxpayers.
  32. crowd out (phrasal verb) – exclude, remove, dispel.
  33. leap of faith (phrase) – blindly going into or doing something with an belief that it is correct or will work.
  34. reiterate (verb) – repeat, say again, restate.
  35. ought to (modal verb) – must, should.
  36. expedite (verb) – speed up, accelerate, quicken.
  37. incentive (noun) – stimulus, impetus, boost.
  38. vaunted (adjective) – acclaimed, highly rated, admired.
  39. reliant on (adjective) – dependent on someone/something.
  40. invisible hand (noun) – it is an invisible market force that helps the demand and supply of goods in a free market to reach equilibrium automatically.
  41. engender (verb) – cause, give rise to, bring about.
  42. prescription (noun) – (authoritative) recommendation, method, measure.
  43. contend (verb) – claim, argue, allege/insist.
  44. scrap (verb) – abandon, cancel, abolish/throw out.
  45. famine (noun) – deficiency, shortfall, lack, insufficiency.
  46. hoarder (noun) – collector, gatherer, accumulator.
  47. constituency (noun) – a group of voters in a specified area.
  48. fraught with (adjective) – full of, filled with, loaded with.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

Today’s word list-1 The Hindu Editorial (Unfounded optimism) – Feb 01, 2020:

The Hindu Editorial (Unfounded optimism) - Feb 01, 2020 The Hindu Editorial (Unfounded optimism) - Feb 01, 2020

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