The Hindu Editorial (Uncivil proposal) – Nov 04, 2020

The Hindu Editorial (Uncivil proposal) – Nov 04, 2020

The astounding proposal by Uttar Pradesh and Haryana to enact a law to curb what they call ‘love jihad’ reeks of a vicious mix of patriarchy and communalism. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Uncivil proposal) – Nov 04, 2020.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Uncivil proposal) – Nov 04, 2020:

  1. uncivil (adjective) – impolite, bad-mannered, disrespectful, ill-mannered, discourteous.
  2. curb (verb) – control, contain, restrict, limit.
  3. love jihad (noun) – also called Romeo Jihad; “Love jihad” is term used by right-wing activists to refer to the alleged campaign of Muslims forcing Hindu girls to convert in the guise of love. (guise means outward appearance or false show).
  4. ruse (noun) – ploy, stratagem, tactic/trick, cunning plan, device, expedient.
  5. astounding (adjective) – shocking, surprising, bewildering.
  6. reek (verb) – be characterized by something unpleasant/undesirable.
  7. vicious (adjective) – heinous, terrible, dreadful, awful; hostile, hate-filled, bitter.
  8. patriarchy (noun) – a family/group/society/community/government controlled by a man/a group of men, descent described through male line of the family.
  9. communalism (noun) – adherence/obedience to one’s own ethnic group (against the principle/practice of living together in a wider society).
  10. propound (verb) – submit, propose, put forward, suggest.
  11. detestable (adjective) – hateful, horrible, awful, heinous, disgusting, abhorrent.
  12. amount to (verb) – be regarded as, be equivalent to, be tantamount to, be equal to.
  13. legitimise (verb) – validate, legitimate, justify, permit/endorse, sanction.
  14. constitute (verb) – be equivalent to, be tantamount to, be regarded as.
  15. blatant (adjective) – evident, flagrant/glaring, obvious.
  16. slur (noun) – insult, misrepresentation, allegation/insinuation.
  17. inter-faith marriage (noun) – sometimes called a “mixed marriage”, is marriage between spouses having/professing/affirming faith in different religions. (spouse means a husband or wife).
  18. ostensible (adjective) – apparent, seeming, alleged, purported.
  19. bring in (phrasal verb) – cause, bring about, create, produce.
  20. honour (noun) – purity, virtue, chastity.
  21. zealous (adjective) – fiery, passionate, impassioned, enthusiastic, eager, purposeful, intense, single-minded.
  22. seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt. 
  23. win over (phrasal verb) – persuade, convince, induce.
  24. flaw (noun) – defect, fault, imperfection/weakness.
  25. sanction (noun) – support, backing, approval, acceptance.
  26. self-serving (adjective) – self-seeking, self-regarding, self-interested, selfish, inward-looking.
  27. extra-legal (adjective) – not regulated by the law.
  28. in any case (phrase) – whatever happens; moreover.
  29. consenting (adjective) – agreeing, accepting, assenting, allowing.
  30. unconstitutional (adjective) – undemocratic, autocratic, dictatorial, totalitarian.
  31. domain (noun) – area/sphere of activity; field, area, sphere.
  32. matrimony (noun) – marriage.
  33. Special Marriage Act (1954) (noun) – a legislation to govern marriages that could not be solemnised/performed according to religious customs/traditions – which essentially meant inter-faith or inter-caste marriages.
  34. enable (verb) – allow, permit, give permission to.
  35. secular (adjective) – non-religious.
  36. allegedly (adverb) – apparently, ostensibly, purportedly, reportedly.
  37. counterpart (noun) – equivalent, equal (person); fellow, peer.
  38. make clear (phrase) – explain, clarify, elucidate.
  39. purportedly (adverb) – allegedly, reportedly, supposedly.
  40. suspicion (noun) – misgiving, doubt/qualm, distrust, scepticism.
  41. substance (noun) – significant subject, important matter/content, valid message.
  42. allegation (noun) – charge, accusation, indictment.
  43. go out on a limb (phrase) – to take a risk; do something that is different from what others are doing.
  44. frown on/upon (phrasal verb) – disapprove of, be against, discourage, dislike, disfavour
  45. solely (adverb) – only, simply, merely.
  46. stalker (noun) – a person who stalks. (stalk means pursue, woo, court, chase, follow, watch consistently; persecute, harass, annoy, bother, trouble persistently).
  47. by no stretch of the imagination (noun) – used to emphasize that something is not definitely correct/possible.
  48. denounce (verb) – condemn, criticize, censure.
  49. consensual (adjective) – relating to consensus/consent; in agreement with those who involved.
  50. writ petition (noun) – A writ petition can be filed by any person whose Fundamental Rights have been infringed/violated by the State. Under a Public Interest Litigation, any public-spirited person may file a writ petition in the interest of the general public even if his own Fundamental Right has not been infringed.
  51. bride (noun) – woman who is getting married.
  52. expedient (adjective) – tactical/strategic; advantageous, beneficial.
  53. bonafides (noun) – rationality, logic, justifiability, defensibility, authenticity, correctness.
  54. change of heart (phrase) – change one’s mind, have second thoughts, have a rethink, think again, think differently.
  55. conviction (noun) – belief, opinion, view, thought, idea.
  56. tenet (noun) – principle, doctrine, rule.
  57. stray (verb) – digress, deviate, wander, drift, get sidetracked.
  58. at hand (phrase) – nearby, close by, within reach, available; imminent, close at hand.
  59. underscore (verb) – underline, emphasize, highlight.
  60. device (noun) – ploy, cunning plan, tactic/trick.
  61. indeed (adverb) – in fact, actually.
  62. salutary (adjective) – good, helpful/useful, beneficial, practical, valuable.
  63. derogate from (verb) – deviate, diverge, depart.
  64. interfere (verb) – handle, meddle, intervene (unwantedly).
  65. forge (verb) – form, create, build up (something successful).
  66. alliance (noun) – relationship, closeness, connection/affinity.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

Today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Uncivil proposal) – Nov 04, 2020:

The Hindu Editorial (Uncivil proposal) - Nov 04, 2020 The Hindu Editorial (Uncivil proposal) - Nov 04, 2020 The Hindu Editorial (Uncivil proposal) - Nov 04, 2020

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