Whose privilege? – The Hindu (Jun 26, 2017)

Whose privilege? – The Hindu (Jun 26, 2017)

The Karnataka Assembly’s resolution imposing a one-year prison sentence and ₹10,000 fine on the editors of two tabloids is indefensible and deserving of unsparing criticism. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1

  1. privilege (noun) – (birth)right, prerogative, entitlement/advantage.
  2. invoke (verb) – evoke, induce, cause.
  3. tabloid (noun) – a newspaper with a compact page (1/2) size smaller than the normal newspaper.
  4. indefensible (adjective) – unjustified, baseless, illogical/irrational.
  5. unsparing (adjective) – severe, relentless, uncompromising.
  6. confer (verb) – grant to, give to, bestow on.
  7. undue (adjective) – excessive, extreme, immoderate.
  8. coercion (noun) – force, compulsion, demand/insistence.
  9. ostensible (adjective) –  apparent, seeming, alleged/purported.
  10. disguised (adjective) – concealed, hidden, camouflaged.
  11. insulate (verb) – protect, safeguard, shield/defend.
  12. codify (verb) – systematize, systemize, organize/arrange.
  13. germane (adjective) – relevant, pertinent; appropriate; related
  14. by no stretch of the imagination (phrase) – used to highlight that something is definitely not the case/point.
  15. impede (verb) – hinder, prevent, obstruct.
  16. defame (verb) – malign, tarnish, discredit.
  17. pursue (verb) – undertake, prosecute, follow.
  18. judicial remedy (noun) – redress, reparation, solution.
  19. sparingly (adverb) – in small quantities; barely, economically, meagrely.
  20. refute (verb) – disprove, prove false/wrong, invalidate.
  21. misconceived (adjective) – misunderstood, misinterpreted, mistaken.
  22. concede (verb) – allow, grant, recognize.
  23. moot (adjective) – disputed, problematic, unsettled/unresolved.
  24. lay down (phrasal verb) – formulate, stipulate, frame.
  25. penal (adjective) – disciplinary, punitive, corrective.
  26. odium (noun) – disgust, disapproval, repulsion.
  27. rescind (verb) – revoke, repeal, cancel.
  28. august (adjective) – distinguished, respected, prestigious.


  1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/.
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