The Hindu Editorial (BJP’s second shot at power in Karnataka comes amidst a web of confusion) – Jul 27, 2019

The Hindu Editorial (BJP’s second shot at power in Karnataka comes amidst a web of confusion) – Jul 27, 2019

Giving a second opportunity to a person who could not p rove his majority on the floor of the House earlier may seem unusual. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (BJP’s second shot at power in Karnataka comes amidst a web of confusion) – Jul 27, 2019.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (BJP’s second shot at power in Karnataka comes amidst a web of confusion) – Jul 27, 2019:

  1. shot (noun) – attempt, try, effort.
  2. amidst (preposition) – amid, in the middle of; during.
  3. web (noun) – set, series, network.
  4. strain (noun) – pressure, stressdemand/burden.
  5. impatient (adjective) – restless, longing, keen/eager.
  6. abound (verb) – be plentiful, be abundant, be numerous.
  7. haste (noun) – hurry, swiftness, rapidity, quickness.
  8. stake a claim (phrase) – assert, declare, proclaim; to say that you have a right to own or do something
  9. profound (adjective) – complex, serious, difficult
  10. uncertainty (noun) – lack of certainty, indecision, irresolution.
  11. house (noun) – council, parliament, legislative assembly.
  12. exemption (noun) – exclusion, relief, exception.
  13. defy (verb) – resist, take a stand against, confront.
  14. whip (noun) – a written notice provided by the party (whip) to their members to vote (to support the act).
  15. Anti-defection law (noun) – The 10th Schedule to the Constitution, popularly referred to as the ‘Anti-Defection Law,’ was inserted by the 52nd Amendment in 1985. The grounds of disqualification are specified in Paragraph 2 of the 10th Schedule. A member would incur a disqualification under paragraph 2 (1) (a) when he “voluntarily gives up his membership of a party” and under 2 (1) (b) when he/she votes (or abstains from voting) contrary to the directive issued by the party. (Courtesy: The Hindu).
  16. dissident (noun) – rebel/dissenter, objector, protester.
  17. stall (verb) – obstruct, stop, block.
  18. presume (verb) – suppose, expect, believe.
  19. appointee (noun) – one who is appointed to a job/position; representative, delegate, office holder.
  20. count on (phrasal verb) – rely on, depend on, bank on, trust.
  21. throw up (phrasal verb) – produce something.
  22. unravel (verb) – resolve, solve, uncover/unfold.
  23. ought to (modal verb) – must, should.
  24. live down (phrasal verb) – to make others forget that you did something very embarrassing in the past.
  25. engineer (verb) – organize/mastermind, orchestrate, choreograph.
  26. roadblock (noun) – barricade, barrier, blockade.
  27. assert (verb) – declare, state, claim.
  28. empower (verb) – authorize, allow, entitle.
  29. defection (noun) – desertion, absconding, decamping.
  30. amoral (adjective) – unprincipled, without standards/morals.
  31. skulduggery (noun) – trickery, double-dealing, underhandedness.
  32. topple (verb) – overthrow, oust, unseat.
  33. bring down (phrasal verb) – oust, remove, dismiss (from a position/power).
  34. autonomy (noun) – freedom, sovereignty, independence.
  35. intend to (verb) – mean, hope, aim.
  36. propensity (noun) – (natural) tendency, inclination, predisposition.
  37. perilous (adjective) – dangerous, risky, hazardous.
  38. ground (noun) – reason, factor/cause, basis.
  39. scrutinise (verb) – examine carefully, inspect; investigate.
  40. in the wake of (phrase) – aftermath, as a result of, as a consequence of.
  41. moot (adjective) – debatable, arguable, questionable. 
  42. confer on (verb) – bestow on, present to, grant to.
  43. incur (verb) – suffer, experience, become subject to.
  44. provision (noun) – term, clause, requirement.
  45. accompany (verb) – coincide with, coexist with, go with.
  46. goings on (plural noun) – events, happenings, affairs.
  47. misread (verb) – get wrong, judge/interpret incorrectly.
  48. functionary (noun) – official, administrator, bureaucrat.
  49. self-serving (adjective) – self-seeking, selfish, egocentric.
  50. interpretation (noun) – meaning, understanding, reading/explanation.
  51. disentangle (verb) – disconnect, disengage, detach.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from, narrow-mindedness
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

Today’s word list-1 The Hindu Editorial (BJP’s second shot at power in Karnataka comes amidst a web of confusion) – Jul 27, 2019:

The Hindu Editorial (BJP's second shot at power in Karnataka comes amidst a web of confusion) - Jul 27, 2019The Hindu Editorial (BJP's second shot at power in Karnataka comes amidst a web of confusion) - Jul 27, 2019

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