The 10-crore rollback -The Hindu (June 23, 2016)

The 10-crore rollback -The Hindu (June 23, 2016)

The Finance Ministry has tied itself up in knots on whether a purported target set by Prime Minister Narendra Modi for taxmen was articulated or not. On June 16, it said the Prime Minister had asked tax administrators to bring 10 crore households into the tax net, which would effectively double the number of taxpayers. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

Today’s Words: 

  1. Rollback (noun) – The process of restoring/revising/updating a database.
  2. Tied up in knots (idiom) – make confused, to confuse.
  3. Purported (adjective) – claim, profess, pretend, allege.
  4. Articulate (verb) – express, communicate, state, made public, announce.
  5. Tax-evader (noun)  – a person who illegally avoids paying tax.
  6. Statement of intent (noun) – a person’s goal (likely to be achieved in the future).
  7. Ambitious (adjective) – difficult, tough, challenging, formidable, bold.
  8. At a snail’s pace (idiom) – very slow, extremely slowly.
  9. Scouring the streets (idiom) – searching something completely, look all over, hunt through, leave no stone unturned.
  10. Menacingly (adverb) – threateningly, dangerously.
  11. Misplace (verb) – position something incorrectly, put something in a wrong place.
  12. Emerging market peers  – emerging developing BRIC countries. (Brazil, Russia, India & China). The next five largest markets are South Korea (though, considered a developed market), Mexico, Indonesia, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia. Iran is also considered an emerging market.
  13. Potential (adjective) – possible, likely, probable, budding, developing.
  14. Regime (noun) – system, arrangement, scheme, order, policy.
  15. Avenue (noun) – way, line, path, direction, route.
  16. Nudge (verb) – push, encourage, prod, coax.
  17. Fence sitting (idiom) – undecided, uncommitted, uncertain, a state of indecision.
  18. The straight and narrow (idiom) – living in a honest and moral way.
  19. Non-intrusive (adjective) – non-disruptive.
  20. Data-mining (noun) – a process of analyzing database.
  21. Do away (phrasal verb) – abolish, discontinue, get rid of, put an end to, remove.


  • Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from .
  • Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press.

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