Protecting prisoners – The Hindu (Jul 06, 2017)

Protecting prisoners – The Hindu (Jul 06, 2017)

The focus of public and judicial concern over the situation prevailing in India’s prisons has in recent times been related to overcrowding and…. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1

  1. inmate (noun) – prisoner, convict, captive.
  2. prevailing (adjective) – existing, present, prevalent.
  3. incarceration (noun) – imprisonment, confinement, custody.
  4. indigent (adjective) – poor, needy, destitute.
  5. stark (adjective) – clear, simple, basic.
  6. vulnerability (noun) – the state of being open to attack, damage, harm physically or emotionally.
  7. authoritarian (adjective) – arrogant, dictatorial, draconian.
  8. lifer (noun) – a prisoner/convict who is serving life term sentence in the prison.
  9. rations (noun) – food supplies, provisions, food.
  10. startling (adjective) – surprising, shocking, astonishing.
  11. incur (verb) – sustain, experience, suffer.
  12. wrath (noun) – (extreme) anger, irritation, discontentment.
  13. accustomed (adjective) – usual, normal, ordinary/customary.
  14. rudimentary (adjective) – basic, elementary, primary.
  15. surmise (verb) – assume, suppose; guess/suspect.
  16. simmering (adjective) – furious, enraged, angry.
  17. discontent (noun) – dissatisfaction, displeasure, resentment.
  18. animus (noun) – hostility, conflict, feud.
  19. disconcerting (adjective) – unsettling, disturbing, embarrassing.
  20. untoward (adjective) – unexpected, unanticipated, inconvenient.
  21. undertake (verb) – begin, start, embark on.
  22. comprehensive (adjective) – thorough, full, complete.
  23. empowered (adjective) – authorized, entitled, delegated.
  24. constitute (verb) – form, organize, set up.
  25. anchor (verb) – secure, attach, lodge/embed.
  26. part company (phrase) – disagree with, express disagreement with, argue with.
  27. in the light of (phrase) – taking into consideration/account, keeping in mind, in view of.
  28. obligation (noun) – necessity, essential, imperative.
  29. residuary (adjective) – remaining, leftover, unused.
  30. reiterate (verb) – repeat, say again, restate.
  31. enshrine (verb) – to enclose in, preserve, treasure, protect (as valuable).
  32. mark (verb) – assess, evaluate, appraise.
  33. due (adjective) – proper, right/correct, appropriate.
  34. regard (noun) – care, concern, attention.



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