Helter Skelter – The Hindu (Nov 22, 2017)

Helter Skelter – The Hindu (Nov 22, 2017)

Charles Manson, convicted for the brutal 1969 murders of nine individuals in California, died a natural death last Sunday, at the age of 83. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-2 (To Improve English Vocabulary)

  1. helter-skelter (adjective/adverb) – confused or confusedly; in a hurry; carelessly.
  2. murderous (adjective) – arduous, gruelling, strenuous.
  3. hold out (phrasal verb) – continue, remain, last.
  4. profound (adjective) – intense, very great, extreme.
  5. quasi- (combining form) – seemingly, apparently; partly/partially.
  6. commune (noun) – co-op, community, a group of people.
  7. counterculture (noun) –  a subculture whose values and norms of behavior differ substantially from those of mainstream society, often in opposition to mainstream cultural mores (customs) (Courtesy: Wikipedia).
  8. hippie (noun) –  nonconformist, unconventional (young) person who practices counterculture.
  9. free love (noun) – sexual relations without any restrictions (like marriage or long relationship).
  10. notoriety (noun) – infamy, bad name, bad reputation.
  11. slaughter (verb) – massacre, murder, kill (in a violent way).
  12. scrawl (verb) – scribble, write hurriedly, scratch.
  13. paranoid (adjective) – irrationally anxious, suspicious, mistrustful/insecure.
  14. delusion (noun) – misunderstanding, misbelief, misconception.
  15. foment (verb) – instigate, incite/excite, stir up.
  16. gruesome (adjective) – horriblegrimdreadful/terrible.
  17. spree (noun) – a spell /period  of unrestrained activity.
  18. acquaintance (noun) – association, relationship, social contact.
  19. outlaw (verb) – ban, prohibit, forbid.
  20. depravity (noun) – perversion, wickedness, immorality.
  21. antics (plural noun) – foolish and amusing behaviour.
  22. spawn (verb) – produce, generate, bring about.
  23. muddy (verb) – confuse, make unclear, mix up.
  24. hatred (noun) – hate, dislike, hostility.
  25. bigoted (adjective) – biased, partial, sectarian.
  26. resemblance (noun) – similarity, likeness, alikeness.
  27. far-right /alt right (noun) – extreme right wing of a political party or group.
  28. alt-right (noun) – right-wing, conservative, rightist.
  29. neo-fascism (noun) – authoritarian, totalitarian, extreme right-winger/far right-winger.
  30. mushroom (verb) – grow/increase rapidly, burgeon.
  31. supremacist (adjective) – relating to someone supporting the supremacy of a particular group, especially a racial group.
  32. lap up (phrasal verb) – relish, savour, indulge in.
  33. indulge in (verb) – involve (in an undesirable action).
  34. apocalyptic (adjective) – significant/serious, grave, catastrophic.
  35. rambling (noun) – a leisure walk (for pleasure).
  36. interpret (verb) – understand, construe; explain/decipher.
  37. impending (adjective) – imminent, close/near, upcoming.
  38. renaissance (noun) – rebirth, revival, renewal.
  39. of sorts (phrase) –  similar to/in a way, somewhat unusual.
  40. vitriolic (adjective) – savage, venomous, bitter/nasty.
  41. tenor (noun) – the general character of someone.
  42. embolden (verb) – give courage, make brave, encourage.
  43. wink-and-nod (phrase) – (mostly in political context) a quiet consent/approval in principle.
  44. poignant (adjective) – affecting/touching, moving, emotional.



  1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/.
  2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. Use it with the corresponding article published on the source (website) via the link provided. 
  3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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