After the sanctions – The Hindu (Dec 27, 2017)

After the sanctions – The Hindu (Dec 27, 2017)

The fresh round of economic sanctions imposed unanimously by the UN Security Council on North Korea is a predictable response to mounting international frustration over the nuclear stand-off. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

This preview is provided here with permission.

Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-2 (To Improve English Vocabulary)

  1. sanctions (noun) – action taken, or an order given to force a country to obey international laws by limiting or stopping trade with that country, by not allowing economic aid for that country, etc (Courtesy: VOA Learning English).
  2. disarmament (noun) – demilitarization, limitation/reduction/deactivation of military weapons.
  3. unanimously (adverb) – without opposition, agreed to by everyone involved.
  4. mounting (adjective) – increasing, growing, intensifying.
  5. stand-off (noun) – deadlock, stalemate, impasse (in a dispute/conflict).
  6. echo (verb) –  repeat,  restate, reiterate.
  7. suspicion (noun) – cautious distrust, misgiving, doubt/ wariness.
  8. curb (noun) – restriction, limitation, constraint.
  9. stringent (adjective) – strict, firm, tough/rigorous.
  10. expulsion (noun) – removal, expelling, banishment/exile.
  11. crippling (adjective) – weakening, destroying, spoiling.
  12. imbroglio (noun) – confused/complicated situation; difficulty/predicament.
  13. counterproductive (adjective) – dangerous/harmful, unfavourable, unfortunate.
  14. sophisticated (adjective) – advanced, highly developed, innovatory.
  15. warhead (noun) – the front part (head) of a missile that has the explosive.
  16. exert (verb) – apply, employ, exercise.
  17. detonate (verb) – explode, set off, blow up.
  18. assertion (noun) – affirmation, declaration, statement.
  19. revival (noun) – improvement, betterment; restoration.
  20. stall (verb) – stop, obstruct, impede/hinder.
  21. on the horizon (phrase) – imminent, impending, in prospect/on the way.
  22. scathing (adjective) – devastating, withering, harsh/severe.
  23. distrust (noun) – mistrust, suspicion, lack of trust/faith.
  24. pursue (verb) –  follow, continue.
  25. lobby (noun) – attempt to influence (the government / its official group/elected legislators) to create  the actions, policies, or decisions to help a particular organization.



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