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Unwavering caution — The Hindu (Dec 07, 2017)

Unwavering caution — The Hindu (Dec 07, 2017)

For the Reserve Bank of India there is just one economic indicator that dominates its policymaking calculus: price stability. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1 (To Improve English Vocabulary)

  1. unwavering (adjective) – steady, fixed, resolute/firm.
  2. inflation (noun) – increase of price level of goods & services & vice versa decrease of currency value.
  3. articulate (verb) – express, communicate, state/announce.
  4. sustainable (adjective) – valid, reliable, dependable.
  5. rationale (noun) – reason/basis; principle; motivation.
  6. horizon (noun) – range of experience, outlook, perspective/perception.
  7. firm up (phrasal verb) – make something resolute/firm.
  8. spell out (phrasal verb) – explain, make clear, elucidate/clarify.
  9. core inflation (noun) – it is a measure of the total inflation within an economy, excluding commodities such as food and energy prices (which change frequently).
  10. volatile (adjective) – unpredictable, fluctuating, changeable.
  11. staggered (adjective) – unsteady, volatile, changing.
  12. second-order ripple (noun) – each action has effect/consequence (ripple) and each effect/consequence of it has another effect/consequence and it is called second order effect/consequence (ripple).
  13. lend (verb) – give, provide, add.
  14. respite (noun) – rest, break, interval/breathing space.
  15. headline (noun) – it is a measure of the total inflation within an economy, including commodities such as food and energy prices (e.g., oil and gas).
  16. prospects (noun) – chances, possibilities, expectations.
  17. shortfall (noun) – defect, imperfection, deficiency.
  18. kharif crop (noun) – monsoon crops; Seeds sowing in the beginning of the monsoon and harvesting at the end of the season (oct-nov) in the South Asia.
  19. rabi crop (noun) – winter crops; Seeds sowing in the beginning of the winter and harvesting at the end of the season (apr-may) in the South Asia.
  20. sow (verb) – plant the seeds of a crop.
  21. notwithstanding (adverb) – nevertheless, nonetheless, in spite of that.
  22. recapitalise (verb) – substantial change in a company’s capital structure by providing more capital, especially by replacing debt with stock.
  23. revive (verb) – reintroduce, re-establish, restore.
  24. buttress (verb) – support, assist, strengthen.
  25. finding (noun) – conclusiondecisionverdict.
  26. posit (verb) – base something on the truth of (a particular assumption).
  27. uptick (noun) – a small increase.
  28. proffer (verb) – suggest, propose, put forward.
  29. circumspection (noun) – caution, carefulness, wariness.
  30. loan waiver (noun) – it is the waiving of the real or potential liability of the person or party who has taken out a loan through the voluntary action of the person or party who has made the loan (Courtesy: Wikipedia).
  31. rate cuts (noun) – a decision by a central bank (RBI) to reduce its main interest rate to the banks (like SBI, ICICI & etc) when these commercial banks get money from the RBI. Once this rate goes down, the banks are in a position to give loans at lower interest rates to individuals and the industry.
  32. credo (noun) – attitude; morality,belief/idea.


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