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Turf war – The Hindu (Feb 12 2018)

Turf war – The Hindu (Feb 12 2018)

India’s stock exchanges are not too keen on the idea of competing with their global peers. Instead, they are happy to guard the home turf against foreign exchanges that do a better job of finding new clients. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-2 (To Improve English Vocabulary)

  1. turf war (noun) – dispute between rival groups over a territory/power.
  2. bourse (noun) –  stock market (in French); stock exchange.
  3. derivatives (noun) – derivatives are financial instruments whose value is derived from the value of an underlying asset (such as gold, wheat or other commodities) or other financial instruments including bonds, or market benchmarks such as interest rates.
  4. offshore (adverb) – registered/situated at foreign country to take advantage of lower taxes  or less regulation.
  5. counterpart (noun) – a person who serves the same job/function but in a different location; equivalent.
  6. ambitious (adjective) – challenging, demanding, formidable.
  7. endeavour (noun) – attempt, try, effort.
  8. patronage (noun) – assistance, support, backing.
  9. crackdown (noun) – clampdown, getting tough/severe measures, suppression.
  10. rein in (verb) – restrict, control, regulate.
  11. denominate (verb) – call, name, term, designate.
  12. allure (noun) – attraction, glamour, temptation.
  13. take off (phrasal verb) – succeed, do well, progress/flourish.
  14. spur (verb) – motivate, prompt, stimulate.
  15. cater to (verb) – indulge, gratify, satisfy.
  16. unmet (adjective) – not achieved/fulfilled.
  17. knee-jerk (adjective) – unintentional, unthinking, automatic/unplanned.


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