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The New York Times Editorial (Koreans’ Talk of Peace Raises Hopes and Doubts) – Apr 27, 2018

The New York Times Editorial (Koreans’ Talk of Peace Raises Hopes and Doubts) – Apr 27, 2018

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Courtesy: The New York Times.

Advanced Word List-2 for The New York Times Editorial (Koreans’ Talk of Peace Raises Hopes and Doubts) – Apr 27, 2018:

  1. striking (adjective) – noticeable, prominent/notable, distinct.
  2. forbidding (adjective) – hostile, unfriendly, unapproachable.
  3. mean-spirited (adjective) – inconsiderate, unsympathetic.
  4. aspersions (noun) – defamation, condemnation, castigation/criticism.
  5. apprehensive (adjective) – anxious, worried, concerned.
  6. saber-rattling (noun) – the display of military force; aggressive/belligerent, warmongering.
  7. dovish (adjective) – peaceful, diplomatic, accommodating. (Hawkish means aggressive, combative, belligerent).
  8. heady (adjective) – exciting, thrilling, stimulating.
  9. choreograph (verb) – organize/arrange, plan, orchestrate (an event).
  10. longing (adjective) – yearning, urge, desire/wish.
  11. suffuse with (verb) –  spread over, cover, fill.
  12. banter (noun) – crosstalk/wordplay, witty conversation,  private discussions with one or more individuals.
  13. heap (verb) – pile up, stack up, store up.
  14. armistice (noun) – truce, ceasefire, suspension of hostilities.
  15. honor guard (noun) – another term for guard of honor; a group of soldiers officially welcoming an important visitor.
  16. imperial (adjective) – high-handed, commanding, dictatorial.
  17. robe (noun) – costume, trappings; a long, loose garment worn on formal functions.
  18. upbeat (adjective) – optimistic,  positive,  hopeful.
  19. rid (verb) – clear, free, cleanse.
  20. euphoria (noun) – elation, excitement, delight/happiness.
  21. exultantly (adverb) –  happily, euphorically, delightedly/over-joyfully.
  22. murderous (adjective) –  violent, savage, fierce/vicious.
  23. denuclearisation (noun) – the act of removing nuclear weapons from a place.
  24. synchronous (adjective) – concurrent, happening at the same time, coincident.
  25. nuclear umbrella (noun) – a guarantee from a nuclear weapons country to a country that does not possess nuclear weapons for protection.
  26. impoverished (adjective) – weakened, exhausted, drained.
  27. onerous (adjective) – arduous, punishing, heavy/ burdensome.
  28. sanctions (noun) – action taken, or an order given to force a country to obey international laws by limiting or stopping trade with that country, by not allowing economic aid for that country, etc (Courtesy: VOA Learning English).
  29. inevitably (adverb) – automatically, certainly, definitely.
  30. pre-emptive (adjective) – preventive, precautionary, protective.
  31. confound (verb) – invalidate, negate, contradict.
  32. impetuous (adjective) – powerful/forceful, vigorous; hasty.
  33. better off (phrase) – in a more advantageous position.

Advanced Word List-2 for The New York Times Editorial (Koreans’ Talk of Peace Raises Hopes and Doubts) – Apr 27, 2018:


  1. Visit to know the words’ definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc.
  2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for the study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 
  3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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