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The Hindu Opinion Article (Inaccurate diagnosis, draconian remedy) – Dec 20, 2019

The Hindu Opinion Article (Inaccurate diagnosis, draconian remedy) – Dec 20, 2019

India’s fight against foreign black money has returned a whimper. The government’s intent cannot be faulted,… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-2 for The Hindu Opinion Article (Inaccurate diagnosis, draconian remedy) – Dec 20, 2019.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Today’s Advanced Word List 2 For The Hindu Opinion Article (Inaccurate diagnosis, draconian remedy) – Dec 20, 2019:

  1. diagnosis (noun) – identification, recognition, judgement.
  2. draconian (adjective) – very harsh, severe, tough, stringent.
  3. remedy (noun) – solution, answer, antidote/panacea.
  4. misdiagnose (verb) – identify/determine/detect something incorrectly.
  5. exaggerated (adjective) – excessive, overemphasized, amplified/overdone.
  6. whimper (noun) – a feeble (weak) ending.
  7. ensuing (adjective) – following, coming up next, cropping up (after as a result).
  8. bereft of (adjective) – deprived of/stripped of; lacking, deficient in.
  9. persuasion (noun) – coercion, inducement, prompting.
  10. browbeat (verb) – intimidate, coerce, compel/force.
  11. rave (verb) – praise enthusiastically, express delight over.
  12. populism (noun) – related to policies that supposedly represent the opinions of ordinary people (Courtesy: VOA Learning English).
  13. bound to (adjective) – certain/sure, very likely, guaranteed.
  14. persuasive (adjective) – convincing, compelling, effective/powerful.
  15. obsession (noun) – fixation, craze/addiction; phobia, complex.
  16. ominous (adjective) – threatening, menacing, unfavourable, unpromising.
  17. confiscatory (adjective) – relating to taking of private property for public use without compensation.
  18. fugitive (noun) – a person who has escaped from being confined or imprisoned.
  19. wilful (adjective) – deliberate, intentional, intended, done on purpose.
  20. evade (verb) – avoid, dodge, escape.
  21. retrospective (adjective) – backdated, retroactive, backward looking/ex post facto.
  22. brazenly (adverb) – blatantly, clearly, fragrantly.
  23. discriminatory (adjective) – prejudicial, biased, unfair.
  24. wicked (adjective) – disagreeable, unpleasant, distressing.
  25. tax evasion (noun) – an illegal action in which a person or company purposely avoids paying a true tax liability.
  26. unbridled (adjective) – unrestrained, unconstrained, uncontrolled.
  27. money laundering (noun) – a secret act of moving illegally acquired funds into legal bank accounts or investments.
  28. watchdog (noun) – inspector/supervisor, observer, ombudsman.
  29. conviction (noun) – sentence, judgement, verdict.
  30. hover (verb) – remain at a level.
  31. demonetisation (noun) – the act of deprive currency unit (note/coin) of its status as money.
  32. intrusive (adjective) – interrupting, trespassing, unwanted, unwelcome.
  33. restorative (adjective) – refreshing, stimulating, energizing.
  34. intrusion (noun) – encroachment on, invasion of, incursion into.
  35. stash (verb) – store/hide something secretly & safely in large amounts.
  36. in essence (phrase) – basically, fundamentally, essentially.
  37. take cognisance (phrase) – attend to, take into account, be prepared for.
  38. disinformation (noun) – liedeception/fake news, false information.
  39. enrich (verb) – enhance, make richer, improve, augment.
  40. owe (verb) – be in debt, be indebted.
  41. fragile (adjective) – weak, shaky/risky, feeble/unsound.
  42. denude (verb) – divest, strip/deprive, clear (the quality).
  43. breach (noun) – violation, neglect, non-observance.
  44. purported (adjective) – alleged.
  45. menace (noun) – threat/danger, risk/peril, intimidation.
  46. bait (noun) – trap, enticement, temptation/inducement.
  47. punitive (adjective) – disciplinary, corrective, retributive.
  48. skullduggery (noun) – trickery, double-dealing, underhandedness.
  49. doctrine (noun) – principle, belief, rule.
  50. promissory (adjective) – conveying a promise.
  51. estoppel (noun) – a legal principle that precludes/prevents a person from alleging facts that are contrary to previous claims or actions. In other words, estoppel prevents someone from arguing something contrary to a claim made or act performed by that person previously.
  52. jurisprudence (noun) – body of laws/rules; legal system.
  53. confiscator (noun) – a person or organization that takes or seizes someone’s property with authority.
  54. reminiscent (noun) – similar to, comparable with, bearing comparison with.
  55. imperialistic (adjective) – relating to a policy of imperialism (an action that involves a country (usually an empire or a kingdom) extending its power by the acquisition of territories).
  56. impoverishing (adjective) – weakening, exhausting, draining, depleting.
  57. repeal (verb) – revoke, cancel, nullify.
  58. implode (verb) – collapse, fail suddenly, break up.
  59. sermon (noun) – lecture, tirade, speech/discourse (as/of a firm warning).
  60. patriotism (noun) – devoted love and support for country; nationalism, national loyalty.

Today’s Advanced Word List 2 For The Hindu Opinion Article (Inaccurate diagnosis, draconian remedy) – Dec 20, 2019:


  1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
  2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 
  3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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