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The Hindu Editorial (Viral load) – Apr 26, 2021

The Hindu Editorial (Viral load) – Apr 26, 2021

Hovering around 3.5 lakh daily infections, India’s current wave of the COVID-19 pandemic is still some distance from the peak. Some experts fear that it could hit a million daily infections in May,… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Viral load) – Apr 26, 2021.

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The Hindu Editorial (Viral load) – Apr 26, 2021:

  1. lockdown (noun) – an emergency protocol implemented by the authorities that prevents people from leaving from a place; An extended state of confinement/encirclement/isolation of a person by the authority.
  2. livelihood (noun) – means of making a living with the basic necessities (food, water, shelter and clothing); means of support, subsistence, source of income.
  3. instrument (noun) – medium, mechanism,  factor, channel, means (to achieve/attain something).
  4. hover (verb) – remain at a level.
  5. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.
  6. hit (verb) – reach, get to, rise to (a particular level).
  7. fragment (noun) – part, section; bit, piece.
  8. misery (noun) – pain, grief, anguish, agony, distress, torment, suffering.
  9. envelop (verb) – surround, cover up, enclose. 
  10. infrastructure (noun) – the basic physical or organisational structure for something (to function properly).  
  11. stretch (verb) – put a strain on, put great demands on, overtax.
  12. breaking point (noun) – extremity, greatest extent, ultimate point, end point, utmost point.
  13. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind.
  14. week-long (adjective) – lasting for a week.
  15. come under (phrasal verb) – be subjected to.
  16. shutdown (noun) – closure of a (complete) system; closing down, winding up.
  17. sledgehammer (noun as modifier) – powerful; forceful; ruthless, insensitive (tool).
  18. haunt (verb) – torment, oppress, disturb, trouble, worry, burden, beset.
  19. once bitten, twice shy (phrase) – used to say that a bad experience (endured by doing something for the first time) makes a person to be very careful while doing it a second time.
  20. conveniently (adverb) – suitably, favourably, advantageously.
  21. hot potato (noun) – a controversial issue.
  22. pass around (phrasal verb) – circulate, pass on, spread around, pass from person to person.
  23. serve (verb) – act as, function as, do the work of.
  24. combat (verb) – fight, tackle, confront, defy/resist.
  25. outbreak (noun) – outburst, flaring up, breakout, sudden appearance/occurrence of something.
  26. attributable to (adjective) – considered as an outcome/result caused by.
  27. positivity rate (noun) – the proportion of positives to total tests done for disease; the percentage of tests that are turning out to be positive for disease; the rate at which people getting tested for disease receive positive results.
  28. reportedly (adverb) – supposedly, seemingly, apparently, allegedly.
  29. come down (phrasal verb) – decline, reduce, lessen.
  30. beside the point (phrase) – irrelevant, immaterial, unimportant, not to the point.
  31. the least (determiner) – minimum.
  32. disruption (noun) – disturbance, interruption, obstruction.
  33. put (something) on (someone) (phrasal verb) – cause someone to be subject to something.
  34. design (noun) – plan, intent, objective, goal.
  35. at the heart of (phrase) – at the most important part of.
  36. deficient (adjective) – lacking, inadequate, insufficient, poor.
  37. unhesitatingly (adverb) – purposefully, single-mindedly, decidedly, firmly; immediately.
  38. stream (noun) – a continuous flow of something (data, information, etc; series, string, chain.
  39. deflect (verb) – divert, turn aside, turn away, avert.
  40. engagement (noun) – participation, taking part, involvement.
  41. suspicion (noun) – misgiving, doubt/qualm, distrust, scepticism.
  42. inept (adjective) – incompetent, unskilled; awkward, bungling; unsuccessful, ineffectual.
  43. breathing space (noun) – a time to relax; intermission, interval, break, respite.
  44. ramp up (phrasal verb) – increase (in amount or number).
  45. take up on (phrasal verb) – to accept something (e.g. a challenge).
  46. war footing (noun) – a state of preparedness (for war).
  47. go in for (phrasal verb) – undertake, engage in, get involved in, join in, enter into.
  48. shock and awe (phrase) – a shocking and intimidating strategy/tactics used to achieve something.
  49. abdication (noun) – disowning, rejection, refusal/avoidance, abandonment.
  50. design (verb) – plan, devise, formulate.
  51. phased (adjective) – gradual, incremental, step-by-step, staggered.
  52. take into account (phrase) – consider, take into consideration, have regard to, reckon with.


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2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in a different context. 
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