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The Hindu Editorial (Unfair and dangerous) – Apr 27, 2021

The Hindu Editorial (Unfair and dangerous) – Apr 27, 2021

In the midst of a raging second wave, which is touching new peaks each passing day, the Central government has abdicated its responsibility to ensure vaccine equity through free vaccination for the poor across all age groups. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Unfair and dangerous) – Apr 27, 2021.

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The Hindu Editorial (Unfair and dangerous) – Apr 27, 2021:

  1. unfair (adjective) – unjust, inequitable, prejudiced, biased; unequal, uneven.
  2. vaccine (noun) – a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease.
  3. inequity (noun) – unfairness, unjustness, one-sidedness, partisanship, partiality, favouritism.
  4. containment (noun) – an act of keeping something (harmful) under control (it means quickly identifying cases of coronavirus through testing, placing infected individuals in isolation, tracking who infected persons might have been in contact with and potentially quarantining those who came into contact with infection so that the disease doesn’t continue to spread).
  5. measure (noun) – action, step, procedure.
  6. in the midst of (phrase) – in the middle of.
  7. raging (adjective) – wild, strong, severe, acute, very bad.
  8. (with) each passing day (phrase) – day by day.
  9. abdicate (verb) – reject, disown, turn down, give up, abandon (a responsibility).
  10. vaccine equity (noun) – the equitable distribution of vaccines (worldwide).
  11. vaccination (noun) – treatment with a vaccine to protect against a particular disease; immunization.
  12. a free hand (phrase) – licence, freedom, latitude, leeway, flexibility.
  13. universal (adjective) – relating to all people; all-inclusive, all-embracing, comprehensive.
  14. fall through the cracks (phrase) – to not be noticed; to go unnoticed, to be overlooked.
  15. immunisation (noun) – the process whereby a person is made immune or resistant to an infectious disease, typically by the administration of a vaccine. Vaccines stimulate the body’s own immune system to protect the person against subsequent infection or disease.
  16. vaccinate (verb) – inoculate, administer, introduce (with a vaccine to provide immunity against a disease).
  17. criterion (noun) – basis, standard; specification, guideline. (criteria is the plural form of criterion).
  18. beneficiary (noun) – recipientreceiver.
  19. Universal Immunisation (Programme) (UIP) (noun) – Immunization Programme in India was introduced in 1978 as ‘Expanded Programme of Immunization’ (EPI) by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. In 1985, the programme was modified as ‘Universal Immunization Programme’ (UIP) to be implemented in a phased manner to cover all districts in the country by 1989-90 with one of the largest health programmes in the world.  In India’s national Universal Immunisation Programme (UIP), the policy is defined, vaccines procured and supplied by the Union government and vaccination implemented by State governments.
  20. precedent (noun) – model, exemplar, example, pattern; previous example/instance, prior instance.
  21. probably (adverb) – most likely, in all likelihood, all things considered, perhaps.
  22. thereby (adverb) – as a result of that.
  23. ill-conceived (adjective) – absurd, ridiculous, not carefully planned.
  24. shell out (phrasal verb) – pay out, spend, expend.
  25. recipe (noun) – formula, method, technique, system, procedure, process, means, way.
  26. exacerbate (verb) – intensify, increase, heighten; aggravate, worsen, compound.
  27. undertake (verb) – begin, start; engage in, become involved in; try, attempt.
  28. pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.
  29. cost (verb) – result in damage to, harm, damage; cause the loss of something.
  30. enormously (adverb) – extremely, very, hugely.
  31. in terms of (phrase) – with regard to, regarding/concerning, in connection with.
  32. livelihood (noun) – means of making a living with the basic necessities (food, water, shelter and clothing); means of support, subsistence, source of income.
  33. due to (phrase) – because of, owing to, on account of, as a result of.
  34. lack of (noun) – absence, unavailability, deficiency, scarcity.
  35. factor in (phrasal verb) – take into account, take into consideration, consider.
  36. garner (verb) – reserve, put away, gather, collect, accumulate.
  37. transparent (adjective) – open/candid, forthright, straightforward, honest.
  38. collectively (adverb) – as a whole/group.
  39. earmark (verb) – reserve, set aside,  set apart.
  40. uncharted (adjective) – unexplored, unknown, unfamiliar, strange.
  41. uncharted territory (phrase) – unknown area.
  42. lead to (verb) – result in, cause, bring on, give rise to.
  43. likely (adverb) – probably, in all probability, presumably, no doubt, doubtlessly.
  44. last (verb) – continue, go on, carry on, keep going, proceed, be prolonged.
  45. pandemonium (noun) – turmoil, disorder, uproar, chaos, mayhem, confusion.
  46. profiteering (noun) – an act of making an excessive/illegal profit.
  47. in the thick of (phrase) – in the most active or central part of a specific (& complex) situation or activity; a central/major role in a situation.
  48. unlikely (adjective) – not likely.
  49. result in (phrasal verb) – cause, bring on, bring about, call forth, give rise to.
  50. roll-out (noun) – official launch/introduction.
  51. mitigation (noun) – alleviation, reduction; lessening.


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