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The Hindu Editorial (The long march) – Oct 25, 2018

The Hindu Editorial (The long march) – Oct 25, 2018

The winding caravan of more than 7,000 migrants from Central America through Mexico has become such a political hot potato that it is likely to thrust the immigration issue. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-2 for The Hindu Editorial (The long march) – Oct 25, 2018.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Today’s word list-2 for The Hindu Editorial (The long march) – Oct 25, 2018:

  1. winding (adjective) – twisting and turning, zigzagging, bending.
  2. caravan (noun) – a group of people travelling together.
  3. hot potato (noun) – a controversial issue.
  4. thrust (verb) – push, force, propel.
  5. forefront (noun) – vanguard, leading position, driving force.
  6. shy about (phrasal verb) – reluctant, restrained, unwilling/disinclined (to do something).
  7. conservative (adjective) – traditional/conventional, unchanging, reactionary.
  8. fuel (verb) – stimulate, boost, support.
  9. harbour (verb) – nurse, nurture, foster.
  10. onslaught (noun) – incursion, invasion, foray.
  11. sloganeer (verb) – create slogans, typically in a political context.
  12. purportedly (adverb) – apparently, seemingly, ostensibly.
  13. by any means (phrase) – in any way, at all.
  14. grinding (adjective) – unbearable, burdensome, intolerable.
  15. flee (verb) – run away, take flight, escape.
  16. persecution (noun) – oppression, ill treatment, suppression.
  17. trafficking (noun) – trading, dealing; the activity of buying and selling goods/animal/people illegally.
  18. dissipate (verb) – disappear, vanish, dissolve.
  19. sheer (adjective)  – utter, complete, out and out.
  20. advocacy (noun) – endorsement/approval, backing, support.
  21. wary (adjective) – suspicious, careful, distrustful.
  22. currency (noun) – publicity, exposure; popularity.
  23. phenomenon (noun) – occurrence, event, happening.
  24. prevailing (adjective) – existing; current.
  25. strident (adjective) – loud, sharp, harsh/shrill.  
  26. rhetoric (noun) – bombast, loftiness, hyperbole/extravagant language.
  27. stand for (phrasal verb) – advocate, champion, uphold/support (an idea).
  28. embolden (verb) – give courage, strengthen, encourage/motivate.
  29. far-right (adjective) – extreme right wing of a political party or group.
  30. islamophobia (noun) – the fear, hatred of, or prejudice against, the Islamic religion or Muslims generally, especially when seen as a geopolitical force.
  31. shrill (adjective) – (of voice) high pitched and loud.
  32. get away (phrasal verb) – escape, run away, abscond.
  33. hard line (noun) – uncompromising commitment.
  34. deportation (noun) – expulsion/expelling, banishment, exile.
  35. soar (verb) – rise rapidly, escalate, increase quickly.
  36. contrarily (adverb) – in a conflicting manner.
  37. radical (adjective) – forceful, rigorous, desperate.
  38. setback (noun) – problem, difficulty, issue.
  39. hawk (noun) – a person with aggressive policy particularly in financial matters.
  40. squirm (verb) – turn, twist, flounder.
  41. asylum-seeker (noun) – displaced person, stateless person; exile/escapee.
  42. rebuff (verb) – reject, refuse, decline.
  43. chip away at (phrase) – make smaller (gradually); dissolve, wear away/slowly reduce.
  44. machine (noun) – organization, system, structure.


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2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

Today’s word list-2 for The Hindu Editorial (The long march) – Oct 25, 2018:

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