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The Hindu Editorial (On the edge) – Sep 04, 2019

The Hindu Editorial (On the edge) – Sep 04, 2019

India’s deepening slowdown has now left the economy on the verge of stalling. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-2 for The Hindu Editorial (On the edge)- Sep 04, 2019.

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Today’s word list-2 for The Hindu Editorial (On the edge) – Sep 04, 2019:

  1. on the edge (of) (phrase) – on the brink of, on the verge of a situation; at a crucial or critical point.
  2. slowdown (verb) – economic decline, recession, slump/depression.
  3. far-reaching (adjective) – important, major, significant.
  4. inevitable (adjective) – necessary, compulsory, required.
  5. stall (verb) – slow down, stop making progress.
  6. Gross domestic product (GDP) (noun) – a measure of economic activity in a country. It is the total value of a country’s annual output of goods and service.
  7. year-on-year (adjective) – year over year (for comparison).
  8. slid past & past  participle of slide (verb) – sink, fall, drop, plunge/decline. 
  9. disconcertingly (adverb) – discomfitingly, unsettlingly, disturbingly.
  10. mainstay (noun) – central component, centrepiece, chief support, backbone. 
  11. consumption spending/expenditure (noun) – the spending by households on goods and services, excluding new housing.
  12. slump (verb) – decline, worsen, slide/fall.
  13. decelerate (verb) – slow down, reduce speed, slack up.
  14. preceding (adjective) – previous, prior, earlier.
  15. proxy (noun) – a number used to indicate the value of something in calculation.
  16. meagre (adjective) – small, little, modest.
  17. indicator (noun) – measure, index, gauge.
  18. moderation (noun) –  weakening, reduction, decrease.
  19. contraction (noun) – decline, decrease, reduction.
  20. gross value added (GVA) (noun) – it is a measure of total output and income in the economy. It provides the rupee value for the amount of goods and services produced in an economy after deducting the cost of inputs and raw materials that have gone into the production of those goods and services. It also gives sector-specific picture like what is the growth in an area, industry or sector of an economy. On the other hand, GDP or gross domestic product is a measure of economic activity in a country. It is the total value of a country’s annual output of goods and service.
  21. fiscal (adjective) – financial.
  22. consumer durables (noun) – manufactured products/goods (such as TV, fridge, AC, motorbike, car & etc) which last for an extended period of time.
  23. plunge to (verb) – fall sharply/steeply, plummet, drop rapidly, slump.
  24. gauge (verb) – measure, determine, ascertain.
  25. appreciably (adverb) – considerably, substantially, significantly.
  26. respondent (noun) – litigator, opponent, disputant.
  27. discretionary (adjective) – optional, non-compulsory/non-mandatory, voluntary.
  28. shrink (verb) – lessen, reduce, decrease.
  29. cognisant (adjective) – aware, well informed about, familiar with.
  30. gravity (noun) – seriousness, importance, profundity, significance.
  31. slew of (noun) – a large number of, lot, range.
  32. foreign direct investment (FDI) (noun) – Investment from one country into another (normally by companies rather than governments) that involves establishing operations or acquiring tangible assets, including stakes in other businesses.
  33. relieve (verb) – alleviate, mitigate, assuage/appease.
  34. debilitating (adjective) – weakening, exhausting, impairing/paralyzing.
  35. sweeping (adjective) – thorough, complete, total.
  36. consolidation (noun) – strengthening, reinforcement, stabilization.
  37. luxury (noun) – blessing, benefit, advantage.
  38. faltering (adjective) – indecisive, irregular/unsteady, fluctuating.
  39. ill afford (phrase) – ill-affected, ill-afford.
  40. headwinds (noun) – (in business) situations or conditions that make growth harder/difficult. Whereas tailwinds describe a situation or condition that will move growth, revenues, or profits higher.
  41. low income trap (noun) – the phenomenon of an economies stagnating at low-income levels (of per capita income) and failing to graduate into the ranks of middle or high-income countries.
  42. mercurial (adjective) – unpredictable, volatile/moody, changeable.
  43. deficit (noun) – shortfall, deficiency, shortage.
  44. engender (verb) – cause, produce, create (a situation).
  45. shortfall (noun) – deficit, inadequacy/deficiency; shortcoming/defect.
  46. kharif crops/sowing (noun) – monsoon crops; seeds sowing in the beginning (Jun) of the monsoon and harvesting at the end of the season (Oct) in the South Asia.
  47. incentivise (verb) – encourage, motivate, galvanize.
  48. headroom (noun) – scope, clearance, extent.
  49. lose no time (phrase) – be quick, hurry up, move quickly, go fast.
  50. spectrum (noun) – range, gamut, sweep; a wide range of positions, opinions, etc. between two extreme points.
  51. prescription (noun) – (authoritative) recommendation, method, measure.
  52. reinvigorate (verb) – revive, bring back; fortify, strengthen.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from, narrow-mindedness
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 
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