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The Hindu Editorial (Erdoğan’s day) – Jun 26, 2018

The Hindu Editorial (Erdoğan’s day) – Jun 26, 2018

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s re-election as President of Turkey comes as no surprise. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-2 for The Hindu Editorial (Erdoğan’s day) – Jun 26, 2018.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Today’s word list-2 for The Hindu Editorial (Erdoğan’s day) – Jun 26, 2018:  

  1. breeze through (phrasal verb) – deal with something easily.
  2. wield (verb) – hold, be possessed of, exercise/exert.
  3. authoritarian (adjective) – autocratic, dictatorial, oppressive.
  4. referendum (noun) – public vote; a direct vote in which people cast ballots to decide on a specific issue or policy (Courtesy: VOA Learning English).
  5. untrammelled (adjective) – uncontrolled, unconstrained, unrestricted.
  6. coup (noun) – seizure of power, takeover, revolt.
  7. checks and balances (plural noun) – a system in which all departments of a government organization have right to amend/limit the powers of the other departments in order to avoid dominance of one department.
  8. compact (noun) – agreement, treaty, pact.
  9. statist (adjective) – relating to a political system in which the society is controlled by the government and the government has more control over social and economic policies.
  10. secularist (noun) – a supporter of a government which is free from religious considerations.
  11. neo-islamist (noun) – new islamist; more flexible (than other traditional Islamist), well informed, and methodical in their political outlook. Neo-Islamists can be progressive and, on some issues, even liberal.
  12. backlash (noun) – a strong negative reaction; adverse response, counteraction.
  13. faltering (adjective) – unsteady, fluctuating, unstable.
  14. plunge (verb) – fall, drop, plummet suddenly.
  15. inflation (noun) – increase of price level of goods & services & vice versa decrease of currency value.
  16. embolden (verb) – give courage, strengthen, encourage/motivate.
  17. in the face of (phrase) – despite, notwithstanding, regardless of.
  18. belligerent (adjective) – hostile, aggressive, threatening.
  19.  silver lining (noun) – consoling and hopeful aspect of a difficult/unpleasant situation.
  20. triumphalism (noun) – an attitude or a belief that a particular doctrine, religion, culture, social system is superior to and should triumph all over others.
  21. trickle in (verb) – come slowly.
  22. pluralist (adjective) – coexistent; (of people) exist in harmony irrespective of various differences.
  23. blight (verb) – ruin, wreck,spoil, disrupt.
  24. hyper-nationalist (noun) – a person with extreme/excessive nationalism.


  1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
  2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 
  3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

Today’s word list-2 for The Hindu Editorial (Erdoğan’s day) – Jun 26, 2018:

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