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The Hindu Editorial (Easing the pressure) – Sep 07, 2019

The Hindu Editorial (Easing the pressure) – Sep 07, 2019

The withdrawal on Wednesday of Hong Kong’s controversial extradition Bill,… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-2 for The Hindu Editorial (Easing the pressure)- Sep 07, 2019.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Today’s word list-2 for The Hindu Editorial (Easing the pressure) – Sep 07, 2019:

  1. extradition (noun) – the action of surrendering/handing over a fugitive (a person who has escaped from being confined/accused of crime) from one jurisdiction to another by mutual agreements between the two countries. deportation, handover, expulsion.
  2. discontent (noun) – disappointment, dissatisfaction, resentment.
  3. accommodation (noun) – arrangement, compromise, settlement/deal.
  4. jurisdiction (noun) – authority, control, leadership.
  5. mobilise (verb) – organize, call up, bring into play.
  6. fallout (noun) – adverse results; after-effects, repercussions.
  7. all the same (phrase) – in spite of everything, in spite of that, nevertheless/nonetheless, even so, however.
  8. Water Revolution (noun) – The pro-democracy demonstrations that have roiled Hong Kong for three months now will be known as the “water revolution”. (roil means to make (someone) annoyed or irritated).
  9. the executive (noun) – the executive is a branch of government which enforces the law as written by the legislature and interpreted by the judiciary.
  10. infuse (verb) – add, impart, introduce.
  11. momentum (noun) – impetus, driving force, power/strength.
  12. dither (verb) – hesitate, be in two minds, be undecided/unsure.
  13. charter of demands (noun) – a collection of  demands which the employee through their union put before the management for improvement in their service conditions and wages.
  14. call for (phrasal verb) – require, need, necessitate/demand.
  15. alleged (adjective) – supposed, so-called, purported, 
  16. bound to (adjective) – certain/sure, very likely, guaranteed.
  17. roll-back (noun) – reduction, cut/decrease, trimming.
  18. infamous (adjective) – ill-famed, with a bad reputation, notorious/disreputable.
  19. universal (adult) suffrage/franchise (noun) – the right of citizens in a given society who are entitled to vote in an election without the discrimination of caste, class, colour, religion or sex.
  20. champion (verb) – advocate, promote, support.
  21. umbrella movement (noun) – umbrella movement was a political movement that emerged during the Hong Kong democracy protests of 2014.
  22. neuter (verb) – make ineffective.
  23. pivotal (adjective) – central, crucial, vital/critical.
  24. concession (noun) – grant of privilege; favour, allowance, exception.
  25. implications (noun) – consequence/outcome, ramification, repercussion.
  26. spillover (noun) – repercussion, consequence, outcome (unexpected one).
  27. (be) wedded to (verb) – dedicated to, devoted to, attached to.
  28. so far (phrase) – until now, present, up to now.
  29. transcend (verb) – surpass, outstrip, overstep.
  30. uprising (noun) – insurgency, revolution, rebellion.
  31. cohesive (adjective) – united, integrated, cooperated.
  32. turn out (phrasal verb) – transpire, emerge, appear.
  33. Gross domestic product (GDP) (noun) – a measure of economic activity in a country. It is the total value of a country’s annual output of goods and service.
  34. underscore (verb) – underline, emphasize, highlight.
  35. buffer (noun) – shield, screen, barrier/guard.
  36. hub (noun) – centre, centre of activity, focal point.
  37. prolonged (adjective) – continuous, persistent, unending.
  38. aggravate (verb) – worsen/make worse, exacerbate, compound.
  39. embark on (phrasal verb) – start, begin, initiate/commence.
  40. stance (noun) – point of view, opinion, standpoint.
  41. vis-a-vis (preposition) – in relation to, with regard to.
  42. dimension (noun) – aspect, feature, element.
  43. accommodative (adjective) – accommodating, cooperative, helpful.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from, narrow-mindedness
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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