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The Hindu Editorial (Currency crossfire) – Aug 15, 2018

The Hindu Editorial (Currency crossfire) – Aug 15, 2018

For the Indian rupee, already grappling with high crude oil prices and the growing heft of the U.S. dollar, the latest shock has come from a most unexpected quarter. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Currency crossfire) – Aug 15, 2018.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Currency crossfire) – Aug 15, 2018: 

  1. crossfire (noun) – attacks from different directions crossing through the same area.
  2. grapple with (phrasal verb) – deal with, struggle with, tackle/confront.
  3. heft (noun) – importance, influence, ability.
  4. on account of (phrase) – because of, owing to/due to, by virtue of.
  5. at play (phrase) – something active that affects a result.
  6. standoff (noun) – deadlock, stalemate, impasse.
  7. sanction (verb) – punish, ban/prohibit, discipline.
  8. punitive (adjective) – disciplinary, corrective, penal.
  9. cleric (noun) – a religious leader, (especially a Christian or Muslim one).
  10. coup (noun) – rebellion, revolt, rioting.
  11. detention (noun) – custody, imprisonment/incarceration, captivity (for political reasons).
  12. pastor (noun) – priest, clergyman, father/preacher.
  13. ripple effect (noun) – the continuing and spreading results of an event/action repeatedly.
  14. catch someone off guard (phrase) – surprise someone.
  15. tumble (verb) – fall, decline, plummet (suddenly).
  16. take something in one’s stride (phrase) – deal with easily, cope with easily, accept as quite normal.
  17. barring (preposition) – excluding, omitting, leaving out.
  18. inflation (noun) – increase of price level of goods & services & vice versa decrease of currency value.
  19. purchasing power (noun) – the ability to buy something (goods/services).
  20. foreign exchange reserve or forex (noun) – Foreign exchange. Forex (exchange) reserves are the amounts of assets /money in foreign currencies that a country has in its central bank (in India, it is Reserve bank of India).
  21. sparingly (adverb) – in small quantities; barely, economically, meagrely.
  22. room (noun) – opportunity, scope, capacity.
  23. hold off (phrasal verb) – hold back, delay/postpone, resist.
  24. debilitating (adjective) – weakening, exhausting, impairing/paralyzing.
  25. flight to safety (phrase) – it refers to large-scale movements of capital from risky, high-yield investments to low-yield ones. The low-yield investments are also significantly safer than the high-yield ones.
  26. tumult (noun) – turmoil, confusion, disorder.
  27. calamity (noun) – disaster, catastrophe, tragedy.


  1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
  2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 
  3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

Today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Currency crossfire) – Aug 15, 2018:

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