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The faltering economy – The Hindu (Sep 25, 2017)

The faltering economy – The Hindu (Sep 25, 2017)

A set of weak economic numbers has left the Central government scrambling to do something to set things in order. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

This preview is provided here with permission.

Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-2 (To Improve English Vocabulary)

  1. capitalise on (verb) – take advantage of, exploit, benefit from.
  2. scramble (verb) – struggle, hurry/hasten, rush.
  3. revive (verb) – revitalize, refresh; restore.
  4. in store (phrase) – coming in the future; about to happen.
  5. inflation (noun) – increase of price level of goods & services & vice versa decrease of currency value.
  6. prospects (noun) – chances, opportunities, expectations.
  7. monetary stimulus (noun) – an attempt by a government to make the economy grow faster by increasing the money supply (the amount of money in the economy).
  8. proximate (adjective) – nearest, immediate, close.
  9. lacklustre (adjective) – dull; uninspired, uninteresting.
  10. decelerate (verb) – slow down, reduce speed, slack up.
  11. to the fore (phrase) -to become/ to make something predominant, most important, paramount.
  12. bottleneck (noun) – difficulty, problem, issue/trouble.
  13. fiscal deficit (noun) – the difference between total expenditure and total income of the government.
  14. resort to (verb) – use, utilize, employ.
  15. antidote (noun) – remedy, cure, solution.
  16. hold back (phrasal verb) – prevent, restrict, obstruct (the progress or development of something).
  17. unease (noun) – fright, fearfulness, anxiety/panic.
  18. loom (verb) – appear, materialize, become visible.
  19. sluggish (adjective) – lethargic, inertia, inactivity.
  20. credit offtake (noun) – credit growth; it refers to the growth/increase in the amount of credit that banks lend to the companies, individuals, etc.
  21. kick the can down the road (phrase) – delay, put off/postpone defer (doing something/actions).


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