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The end of a protest – The Hindu (Jan 25, 2017)

The end of a protest – The Hindu (Jan 25, 2017)

Eerybody loves a good protest — an orderly, self-limiting protest at iconic landmarks organised with state sanction and police protection. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1:

  1. sanction (noun) – support, backing, approval.
  2. descend into (phrasal verb) – degenerate, deteriorate, decline.
  3. chaos (noun) – disorder, disarray, mayhem.
  4. stand one’s ground (phrase) – stand/be firm, insist/hold on.
  5. come up with (phrasal verb) – produce, propose, present.
  6. resort to (phrasal verb) – turn to, use/utilize; adopt/exercise.
  7. break out (phrasal verb) – flare up, begin/start suddenly, erupt.
  8. rational (adjective) – logical, reasoned, sensible.
  9. persuade (verb) – convince, assure; coax/influence.
  10. rely on (phrasal verb) – depend on, bank on, reckon on.
  11. breakdown (noun) – failure, collapse, disintegration.
  12. a life of its own (phrase) – something which moves/works by itself.
  13. amorphous (adjective) – shapeless, formless, structureless.
  14. loose (adjective) – indefinite/inexact, imprecise, ill-defined.
  15. thread (noun) – theme, subject matter, subject.
  16. haunt (noun) – meeting place, territory/domain. favourite spot.
  17. hue (noun) – character, aspect, type.
  18. owe something to (phrase) – have something due to.
  19. allegiance (noun) – loyalty, faithfulness, devotion.
  20. upsurge (noun) – (a sudden & large) increase.
  21. left-winger (noun) – one who supports left-wing politics.
  22. make common cause (phrase) – cooperate, collaborate, work together.
  23. judicial overreach (noun) – excessive judicial interference with laws and executive action (in India).
  24. uprising (noun) – rebellion, revolution, riot/rising.
  25. authoritarianism (noun) – a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms (Wikipedia).
  26. rebuff (noun) – rejection, snub/insult, repulse.
  27. domineering (adjective) – authoritarian, high-handed; arrogant/draconian.
  28. inept (adjective) – incompetent, unskilful; awkward.
  29. go on (phrasal verb) – continue, carry on, proceed.
  30. underlying (adjective) – fundamental, basic, essential.
  31. volatile (adjective) – tense, charged/eruptive; uncertain.


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