Word of the Day (dox)-17DEC22
Word of the Day

Word of the Day (dox)-17DEC22

Today’s “Word of the Day” is “dox” and it is a verb meaning “to gather private or identifying information about a person in a malicious way and release it online without his/her permission, usually with the aim of harassing, threatening, shaming or exacting revenge”. […….]

Word of the Day (meritocracy)-05DEC22
Word of the Day

Word of the Day (meritocracy)-05DEC22

Today’s “Word of the Day” is “meritocracy” and it is a noun meaning “a society or social system in which people become successful in their life or career based on their abilities, efforts, and merits rather than on their wealth, privilege, class or social status; In a nutshell, it is a system or society that rewards ability”. […….]