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Suppressing history – The Hindu (Feb 15 2018)

Suppressing history – The Hindu (Feb 15 2018)

new law in Poland that makes it a crime to blame the country for Nazi atrocities has reopened the Holocaust denial issue. . For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

This preview is provided here with permission.

Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-2 (To Improve English Vocabulary)

  1. suppress (verb) – conceal, restrain, stifle.
  2. holocaust (noun) – mass scale destruction/disaster by nuclear war.
  3. the far right (noun) – the extreme right wing of a political party.
  4. nazi (adjective) – authoritarian, draconian, dictatorial.
  5. atrocity (noun) – act of barbarity/brutality/savagery, cruelty, inhumanity.
  6. touch a raw nerve (phrase) –  provoke by referring a sensitive topic.
  7. intent on (adjective) – determined, insistent, attentive/eager.
  8. imply (verb) – suggest, hint, say indirectly.
  9. contention (noun) – disagreement, argument; opinion/view/statement (in argument).
  10. assuage (verb) – alleviate, mitigate/reduce, relieve.
  11. perpetrate (verb) – commit, carry out, perform.
  12. collusion (noun) – conspiracy, complicity, collaboration.
  13. tantamount (adjective) – equivalent to, virtually the same as, comparable to/amount to.
  14. rescue (verb) – save, recover, salvage.
  15. rehabilitate (verb) – restore to health/normality.
  16. persistent (adjective) – determined, continuing, constant.
  17. preoccupation (noun) – concentration, thinking, deep thought.
  18. dispensation (noun) – system, arrangement, organization.
  19. stoke (verb) – (of emotional activity/tendency) encourage, incite, increase.
  20. reverberation (noun) – a continuing effect; a repercussion; outcome/implication.
  21. undermine (verb) – weaken, compromise, diminish/reduce.
  22. sanctions (noun) – action taken, or an order given to force a country to obey international laws by limiting or stopping trade with that country, by not allowing economic aid for that country, etc (Courtesy: VOA Learning English).
  23. Brussels (noun) – The headquarters of the European  Union.
  24. unprecedented (adjective) – not done or experienced before.
  25. bloc (noun) – union, partnership, group.
  26. ironic (adjective) – paradoxical, odd, strange.
  27. stake (verb) –  risk, pledge, put on.
  28. assertion (noun) – declaration, contention, statement.
  29. sovereignty (noun) – supremacy, supreme power; autonomy, independence.
  30. ire (noun) – anger, rage/fury, wrath.
  31. toothless (adjective) – lacking effectiveness.
  32. exert (verb) – apply, employ, exercise.
  33. roll back (phrasal verb) – reverse the progress of something.
  34. fruits (noun) – reward, benefit, advantages.


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