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After the Spring – The Hindu (Jan 16, 2018)

After the Spring – The Hindu (Jan 16, 2018)

Tunisians have seized on commemorations of the Jasmine Revolution’s seventh anniversary to oppose the government’s austerity measures. In a way, the continuing clamour in the North African state is for…. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-2 (To Improve English Vocabulary)

  1. Jasmine revolution (noun) – Tunisian Revolution, also known as the Jasmine. Revolution is an intense campaign of civil resistance with street demonstrations.
  2. in view of (phrase) – considering, taking into consideration, as a result of.
  3. anti-austerity protest (noun) – the protest and grassroots campaign  that have happened across various countries. it is due to a difficult economic situation caused by a government to reduce public expenditure or increase tax structure in order to  decrease growing budget deficits.
  4. seize on (phrasal verb) – grasp, exploit, take advantage of something.
  5. commemoration (noun) – a ceremony in which a person or event is remembered.
  6. austerity (noun) – difficult economic crisis/financial distress, privation; severity. The  austerity measures are steps taken by a government to reduce public expenditure or increase tax structure in order to decrease growing budget deficits.
  7. clamour (noun) – protest, complaints, outcry/commotion.
  8. consolidation (noun) – the process of strengthening something or the act of making something stronger.
  9. fragile (adjective) – tenuous, insecure, unreliable.
  10. set off (phrasal verb) – cause, start/initiate, stimulate.
  11. the Arab Spring (noun) – it refers to the democratic protests, uprisings  and demonstrations that arose independently and spread across the Arab world in 2011.
  12. unrest (noun) – disruption, disturbance/disorder, agitation.
  13. stringent (adjective) – strict, severe, tough/rigorous.
  14. fiscal deficit (noun) – the difference between total expenditure and total income of the government.
  15. fuel (verb) – stimulate, intensify, support.
  16. persist (verb) – continue, remain, linger.
  17. disparity (noun) – difference, discrepancy, inconsistency/inequality.
  18. quell (verb) – put an end to, get rid of/thwart, crack down on (suppress).
  19. turmoil (noun) – confusion, disorder, agitation/chaos.
  20. subside (verb) – abate, moderate, quieten down/calm.
  21. uprising (noun) – rebellion, revolution/insurgency, riot/revolt.
  22. authoritarian (adjective) – autocratic, dictatorial, totalitarian.
  23. backlash (noun) – a strong negative reaction; adverse response, counteraction.
  24. hail (as) (verb) – acclaim, praise/applaud, commend.
  25. confine (verb) – limit, restrict, not allow to go beyond.
  26. dissent (noun) – disagreement, lack of agreement, difference of opinion/argument.
  27. per se (adverb) – intrinsically, by itself.
  28. discontentment (noun) – dissatisfaction, disaffection, grievances.
  29. revive (verb) – revitalize, restore, renew.
  30. apprehensive (adjective) – anxious, worried, concerned/agitated.
  31. immunity (noun) – exemption, exception/protection; indemnity, privilege/special treatment.
  32. penalise (verb) – punish, discipline, deal with; prohibit/forbid.
  33. amnesty (noun) – official pardon.
  34. ousted (adjective) – expelled, removed, driven out (from a position).
  35. in light of (phrase) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind.
  36. outflow (noun) – a large number of people that moves out of place.


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