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Risky, ill-considered – The Hindu (April 12, 2017)

Risky, ill-considered – The Hindu (April 12, 2017)

Pakistan’s sudden announcement on Monday that former Indian naval officer Kulbhushan Jadhav has been sentenced to death by a Field General Court Martial is a development fraught with danger. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1:

  1. ill-considered (adjective) – unconsidered, ill-advised, ill-judged/unwise.
  2. escalate (adverb) – increase, intensify, make something more serious.
  3. bilateral (adjective) – involving two groups or countries.
  4. sentence (verb) – punish/convict, pass judgement on.
  5. fraught with (adjective) – full of,  filled with, charged with/loaded with.
  6. can ill-afford (verb) – can/could not pay for, can/could not bear the expense of, can/could not meet the expense of.
  7. trial (noun) – tribunal, court case/lawsuit, enquiry.
  8. take someone/something by surprise (phrase) – surprise, shock, stun.
  9. glaring (adjective) – obvious, blatant, flagrant.
  10. confession (noun) – admission, acknowledgement, revelation.
  11. splice (verb) – interweave, intertwine, join/connect/insert.
  12. transcript (noun) – written version/copy, reproduction, record/text.
  13. contradict (verb) – deny, rebut, say the opposite of.
  14. tutor (verb) – instruct, guide, teach.
  15. corroborative (adjective) – confirming, verifying, endorsing/validating.
  16. back (verb) – supplement, support, help.
  17. consular (adjective) – relating to the consul or consulate in a foreign city.
  18. in a poor light (phrase) – in order to give a bad/poor impression.
  19. retrial (noun) – a second or further trial.
  20. recourse to (verb) – resort to, make use of, utilize.
  21. backburner (noun) – delayed consideration of an action.
  22. pursue (verb) – investigate, analysis, examine.
  23. dispel (verb) – banish, eliminate, dismiss.
  24. sober (adjective) – serious, sensible, solemn, thoughtful/pragmatic.
  25. stand fast (adjective) – firm, faithful, loyal, devoted.
  26. in the balance (phrase) – uncertain, unknown, in a critical state.
  27. three-pronged (adjective) – Having three pointed parts.
  28. flawed (adjective) – defective, wrong, incorrect.
  29. interlocutor (noun) -a person who takes part in a dialogue or conversation.
  30. backchannel (noun) – secondary & secret route for the communication.

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