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Raise a cup of tea to coffee – The Hindu (July 05, 2016)

Raise a cup of tea to coffee – The Hindu (July 05, 2016)

I drink tea precisely because I love coffee. Yes, you read that right. I have a theory behind it. Let me just explain. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

Today’s Words:

  1. Ethos (noun) – spirit, character, flavour, feeling.
  2. Brew (verb) – develop, loom, raise.
  3. Threshold (noun) – start, beginning, creation.
  4. Hands down (adverb) – easily, effortlessly, with ease, with no trouble,
  5. Concoction (noun) – mixture, brew, preparation, blend, combination.
  6. Swear by (phrasal verb) – express confidence in, have faith in, trust, believe in.
  7. Cuppa (noun) – a cup of tea.
  8. Go wrong (phrase) – to make a mistake.
  9. Household (noun) – family, home, house.
  10. PDA (phrase)-  public display of affection.
  11. Burn a hole (idiom) – urge/make someone to spend money quickly.
  12. Prevalent (adjective) – widespread, common, usual, general.
  13. Exasperating (adjective) – Intensely irritating; making annoyed/angry.
  14. Unspeakable (adjective) – too bad to say/express in words; hateful, awful, appalling,
  15. Inherent (adjective) – intrinsic, innate, inborn.
  16. Finickiness ( noun) – perfectionism, overcritical, demanding character.
  17. Filter down (phrase) – to move slowly down.
  18. Rest my case (idiom) – conclude my statement/argument since my claim is true & proven.


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