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Problem animals – The Hindu (Oct 10, 2017)

Problem animals – The Hindu (Oct 10, 2017)

In June this year, the Bombay High Court quashed an order by the Maharashtra Forest Department to shoot a tigress in the Bramhapuri region after she killed two persons. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-2 (To Improve English Vocabulary)

  1. conservation (noun) – preservation, protection, safeguarding.
  2. quash (verb) – cancel, reverse, overrule/overturn.
  3. forge (verb) – fake, falsify, counterfeit.
  4. intrusion (noun) – violation, interruption/disruption; trespass.
  5. arm-twist (verb) – pressurize someone into doing something which he/she does not want to do.
  6. scramble (verb) – struggle, perform/do something with difficulty.
  7. translocate (verb) – migrate, relocate, move.
  8. carnivore (noun) – an animal that gets food from killing and eating other animals.
  9. predator (noun) -an animal that naturally kills others.
  10. prey (adjective) – relating to an animal that is hunted and killed by another for food.
  11. habitat (noun) – natural environment/territory/terrain, home.
  12. hostility (noun) – aversion, unfriendliness/opposition, antipathy.
  13. livestock (noun) – farm animals (cattle, goats & etc).
  14. absurd (adjective) – illogical, unreasonable/inappropriate; ridiculous.
  15. throw up (phrasal verb) – produce, bring forth, cause (to notice).
  16. counter-intuitive (adjective) – contrary to intuition/common-sense.
  17. hue and cry (phrase) – commotion, outcry, uproar/clamour.
  18. fathom (verb) – understand, comprehend, perceive.
  19. trophy-hunting (noun) – the selective hunting of wild game for human recreation. The trophy is the animal or part of the animal kept, and usually displayed, to represent the success of the hunt (Courtesy: Wikipedia).
  20. megafauna (noun) – the large mammals of a particular region.
  21. infirm (adjective) – weak, feeble, frail.
  22. species (noun) – a group/breed/family of living organisms (animals & plants) with individual having the same quality & can breed.
  23. culling (adjective) –  slaughtering, killing, destroying (a wild animal) to reduce its population.
  24. mitigate (verb) – alleviate, reduce, lessen.
  25. antagonise (verb) – alienate, estrange, make hostile/make unfriendly.
  26. indiscriminately (adverb) – aimlessly, unsystematically; carelessly.
  27. burgeoning (adjective) – growing/increasing rapidly, mushrooming.
  28. revival (noun) – improvement, betterment; restoration.
  29. coerce (verb) – pressureforce, compel.
  30. co-exist (verb) – (of people) exist in cooperation/understanding despite different ideals/beliefs.


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