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Powered by a pause – The Hindu (March 28, 2017)

Powered by a pause – The Hindu (March 28, 2017)

Ever since it was announced in 2005, the Indo-U.S. civil nuclear agreement has faced one obstacle after another. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

This preview is provided here with permission.

Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1:

  1. energy basket (noun) – a mix of all the resources available (including renewables) to cater one country’s total energy demand.
  2. operationalisation (noun) – the process of causing something into operation.
  3. ratify (verb) – give consent (to agreement) or make agreement official; authorize, approve.
  4. come as no surprise (phrase) – something which is not surprising someone, but is is as expected one.
  5. setback (noun) – problem, difficulty, issue/complication.
  6. bankruptcy (noun) – insolvency, liquidation, failure/financial ruin.
  7. cost overrun (noun) – it is known as a cost increase, underrated or budget overrun, involves unexpected costs incurred in excess of budgeted amounts due to an underestimation of the actual cost during budgeting (Courtesy: Wikipedia).
  8. precarious (adjective) – uncertain/unsure, insecure, unreliable/risky.
  9. bailout (noun) – an act of providing financial help to a failing business.
  10. indigenous (adjective) – native, local, original, domestic.
  11. reservoir (noun) – pool, lake, pond.
  12. outweigh (verb) – supersede, offset, cancel out.
  13. fossil-fuels (noun) – non renewable resources or fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas are formed from the buried /deposited organic materials.
  14. renewable energy (noun) – energy generated from the natural resources (such as water, wind, solar energy)
  15. ruling (noun) – decision, pronouncement, resolution/decree.
  16. hold (verb) – stop, prevent; ban/disallow.
  17. triple meltdown (noun) – disaster, catastrophe, tragedy/accident in a nuclear reactor.
  18. sobering (adjective) – serious, sensible, thoughtful.
  19. breathing space (noun) – elbow room, stop, intermission/interval.
  20. balance sheet (noun) – a statement that shows the financial condition of a company at a particular point in time.


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