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New tech, old values – The Hindu (Jun 29, 2017)

New tech, old values – The Hindu (Jun 29, 2017)

The long arm of the European Commission has once again struck the technology world with the imposition of a €2.42 billion ($2.7 billion) fine on Google for the company’s abuse of its market position. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-2

  1. long arm of (noun) – (far-reaching, inescapable, or punitive) power and influence of .
  2. struck (past participle of strike) (verb) – hit, attack, affect.
  3. imposition (noun) – enforcement, charging, levying/payment.
  4. comparison shopping (noun) – the practice of comparing the price before buying with the best deals.
  5. remedy (verb) – set right, rectify, resolve.
  6. ruling (noun) – decision, decree; verdict/judgement.
  7. bundling (noun) – the process/practice of selling something (hardware & software) as a package.
  8. in no uncertain terms (phrase) – clearly and forcefully.
  9. gargantuan (adjective) – enormous, extremely large, huge/massive.
  10. stymie (verb) – impede, prevent, hinder/obstruct.
  11. frontier (noun) – limit, end, edge.
  12. run-in (noun) – disagreement, argument/dispute; fight.
  13. trans-Atlantic (adjective) – concerning/relating to countries on both sides of the Atlantic.
  14.  quieten (verb) –  lessen, reduce, appease/mitigate.
  15. wariness (noun) – caution/doubt, carefulness; suspicion/distrust.
  16. vociferously (adverb) – loud & forcefully.
  17. refrain (verb) – stop, desist/abstain withhold.
  18. supra-national (adjective) – (an authority/organization) having power or influence that transcends national  boundaries or governments.
  19. outdated (adjective) – old-fashioned, out of date, obsolete.


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