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Money talks – The Hindu (Jan 04, 2018)

Money talks – The Hindu (Jan 04, 2018)

That the U.S. will continue to withhold $255 million in Foreign Military Financing to Pakistan this year suggests it is prepared to downgrade its ties with Pakistan further in an effort to hold it to account on terrorism. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

This preview is provided here with permission.

Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-2 (To Improve English Vocabulary)

  1. downslide (noun) – decline, downward movement/trend, downgrade.
  2. withhold (verb) – hold back, keep back, stop.
  3. downgrade (verb) – reduce, demote, lower.
  4. hold (someone) to account (phrase) – to require a person to explain or to accept responsibility for his or her actions; to blame or punish someone for what has occurred.
  5. ambassador (noun) – envoy, diplomat, consul.
  6. harbour (verb) – shelter, shield, protect.
  7. temperate (adjective) – restrained, moderate, self-controlled.
  8. deceit (noun) – deception, double-dealing/duplicity, fraud.
  9. convene (verb) – assemble, gather, meet.
  10. outlay (noun) – expenditure, expenses, spending.
  11. tranche (noun) – (of money) a portion/division of something.
  12. alarming (adjective) – worrying, disturbing, troubling.
  13. pledge (noun) – promise, undertaking, assurance.
  14. sanctions (noun) – action taken, or an order given to force a country to obey international laws by limiting or stopping trade with that country, by not allowing economic aid for that country, etc (Courtesy: VOA Learning English).
  15. hold someone’s feet to the fire (phrase) – put pressure on someone to get an intended result.
  16. ultimatum (noun) – order, rule, decree/command.
  17. fractured (adjective) – divided, fragmented, separated.
  18. ensnare (verb) – capture, catch/trap, entangle.
  19. triangulate (verb) – position oneself in a way to satisfy two contrasting standpoints.
  20. (the) equation (noun) – the situation, the problem, the quandary.


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