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Life elsewhere – The Hindu (Feb 24, 2017)

Life elsewhere – The Hindu (Feb 24, 2017)

The quest to find life outside the solar system got a big boost with the discovery of seven Earth-size extra-solar planets, or exoplanets, orbiting a dwarf star about 40 light years away. For further reading, visit “The Hindu“.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1:

  1. exoplanet (noun) – a planet around a star other than the sun.
  2. extraterrestrial life (noun) –  alien life; life that exists/originates outside the planet Earth.
  3. quest (verb) – search, hunt, pursuit.
  4. light year (noun) – a unit of astronomical length/distance equal to the distance that light travels in one year (about 9.46 trillion kilometers).
  5. dwarf star (noun) – a star of relatively small size and low brightness.
  6. by far (phrase) – considerably, significantly, substantially.
  7. habitable (adjective) – fit to live in, inhabitable, liveable in.
  8. Goldilocks zone (noun) – it refers to the habitable zone around a star where the temperature is just right – not too hot (i.e. close to a star) and not too cold (i.e. far from a star) – for liquid water to exist on the surface of an planet.
  9. transit (verb) – pass through, pass across.
  10. planetesimal (adjective) – relating to planetesimals (planetesimal means minute planet; an ultimately small fraction of a planet).
  11. apparently (adverb) – seemingly, evidently.
  12. migrate (verb) – relocate, resettle, move.
  13. Galilean moons (noun) – Jupiter’s largest four moons named Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto are known as the Galilean moons, all of which were discovered by Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei.
  14. decipher (verb) – make out, interpret, understand/comprehend.
  15. rule out (phrasal verb) – exclude, eliminate, reject.
  16. volatile (adjective) – evaporative, vaporous; inflammatory.
  17. close by (phrase) – very near; nearby.


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