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Lessons from Kirkuk – The Hindu (Oct 31, 2017)

Lessons from Kirkuk – The Hindu (Oct 31, 2017)

The conflict that broke out in the oil-rich city of Kirkuk between Iraqi government troops aided by Shia militias and the Peshmerga, the military wing of Iraqi Kurdistan,…For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-2 (To Improve English Vocabulary)

  1. undermine (verb) – weaken, compromise, diminish/reduce.
  2. militia (noun) – armed forces, military unit, soldiery (from the civil population to support main forces).
  3. consulate (noun) – the building where a consul lives and works; embassy.
  4. diplomat (noun) – ambassador, envoy, emissary/embassy.
  5. propect (noun) – expectation, anticipation, chance.
  6. set aside (phrasal verb) – annul, overrule, nullify/cancel.
  7. retreat (verb) – withdraw, retire, pull back/pull out.
  8. advances (noun) – forward movement, headway.
  9. recede (verb) – retreat, go/move back, move away/withdraw.
  10. alarm (verb) – frightenscarepanic.
  11. mobilise (verb) – organize, encourage, stimulate/prompt.
  12. momentum (noun) – impetus, energy, force/power.
  13. referendum (noun) – public vote; a direct vote in which people cast ballots to decide on a specific issue or policy (Courtesy: VOA Learning English).
  14. overwhelmingly (adverb) – extremely, very intensely, to a great degree.
  15. binding (adjective) – compulsory, imperative, mandatory/necessary.
  16. counter-productive (adjective) – harmful, damaging, injurious/hurtful.
  17. step down (phrasal verb) – resign, withdraw, give up one’s job.
  18. aggravate (verb) – intensify, increase; worsen/compound.
  19. charisma (noun) – presence, personality/individuality, strength of character.
  20. secede (verb) – break away from, separate from, split with/leave.


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