Judiciary in turmoil – The Hindu (Jan 13, 2018)

Judiciary in turmoil – The Hindu (Jan 13, 2018)

It is a development that is both momentous and unfortunate. The press conference held by four senior judges of the Supreme Court has exposed an unprecedented level of dissension in the top echelons of the judiciary. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1 (To Improve English Vocabulary)

  1. turmoil (noun) – confusion, disorder, agitation/disruption.
  2. misfortune (noun) – problem, difficulty ,trouble/setback.
  3. rift (noun) – disagreement, dispute, conflict.
  4. inexorably (adverb) – in a way that is impossible to stop/prevent.
  5. full-blown (adjective) – fully developed, complete, thorough/entire.
  6. momentous (adjective) – significant, important, crucial/critical.
  7. unprecedented (adjective) – not done or experienced before.
  8. dissension (noun) – disagreement, difference of opinion, dispute.
  9. echelon (noun) – level, rank, grade (in an organization).
  10. reverberations (noun) – repercussion(s), consequence(s), outcome(s).
  11. subside (verb) – abate, moderate, quieten down/calm.
  12. ferment (noun) – furore, agitation, clamour.
  13. grievance (noun) – complaint, criticism, objection/protest.
  14. disregard (verb) – ignore, take no notice of, overlook/dismiss.
  15. convention (noun) – custom, practice, tradition.
  16. far-reaching (adjective) – extensive, wide-ranging, radical/comprehensive.
  17. ominous (adjective) – threatening, menacing, forbidding.
  18. underscore (verb) – call attention to, emphasize, highlight.
  19. roster (noun) – a list of the people of a team/organisation. 
  20. concede (verb) – admit, acknowledge, accept/profess.
  21. composition (noun) – formation, structure, organization.
  22. deliberation (noun) – thought, thinking, careful consideration.
  23. germ (noun) – start, beginning, starting point.
  24. delineate (verb) – describe, define, outline.
  25. overturn (verb) – cancel, reverse, repeal.
  26. compelling (adjective) – valid, powerful, strong.
  27. deceased (adjective) – dead, expired, passed away.
  28. squarely (adverb) – precisely, exactly, directly.
  29. dispel (verb) – banish, eliminate, dismiss.
  30. misgivings (noun) – qualm, doubt, apprehension.
  31. steadfastly (adverb) – firmly, resolutely, single-mindedly.
  32. inexplicably (adverb) – in a way something can not be accountable /explainable/ understandable.
  33. deem (verb) – regard as, consider; think/suppose.
  34. brush away (phrasal verb) – verb ignore, omit/overpass; make light of.
  35. convene (verb) – assemble, gather, meet.
  36. cloud (verb) – confuse, muddle; spoil/destroy (something).
  37. fester (verb) – intensify/become worse (of a problem because of long-negligence).
  38. exhausted (adjective) – unproductive, barren, unyielding.
  39. airing (noun) – a public expression, articulation, statement.
  40. posterity (noun) – future generations; descendants, successors.
  41. aberration (noun) – anomaly, deviation/departure/divergence, mistake.
  42. precedent (noun) – model, exemplar, example.
  43. discomfit (verb) – embarrass, make uncomfortable, make uneasy.
  44. the executive (noun) – a department of government which is responsible for making laws into effect.
  45. illumine (verb) – light up; brighten; illuminate.
  46. introspection (noun) – self-observation/self-analysis.



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