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In a plastics world – The Hindu Mar 19 2018 (Word List-2 To Improve Vocabulary) Mar 19 2018

In a plastics world – The Hindu Mar 19 2018

Plastics are now widely present in the environment, as visible waste along coastlines, in lakes and rivers, and even in the soil. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-2 (To improve Vocabulary)

  1. overwhelm (verb) – overload, swamp; affect/disturb.
  2. scrubber (noun) – brush or something like that.
  3. discard (verb) – throw away, dispose of, dump.
  4. inhale (verb) – breathe in, draw in, gasp.
  5. condaminants (noun) – dirty/polluted/unsanitary materials.
  6. accumulation (noun) – collection, stockpile, reserve (of something).
  7. aggravate (verb) – worsen, make worse, exacerbate.
  8. heartening (adjective) – encouraging, boosting, comforting.
  9. come forward (phrasal verb) – volunteer, step forward, make oneself available for.
  10. commission (verb) – order, authorize; engage (a person to do something).
  11. binding (adjective) – irrevocable, unalterable, permanent.
  12. marine (adjective) – relating to the sea, ocean.
  13. stagger (verb) – astonish, shock, surprise/disconcert.
  14. debris (noun) – rubbish, waste, remains.
  15. durable (adjective) – lasting, enduring, indestructible.
  16. segregation (noun) – separation, setting apart, sorting out.
  17. retrieve (verb) – get back, repossess, regain.
  18. lie (in) (verb) – consist, exist, be present.
  19. consensus (noun) – an idea or opinion that is shared by all the people in a group. agreement, concurrence.
  20. business as usual (phrase) – routine, a normal pattern, a normal state of affairs.


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