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Diary of an unusual year – The Hindu (Aug 29, 2017)

Diary of an unusual year – The Hindu (Aug 29, 2017)

When Urjit Patel was elevated to the post of Governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) a year ago, among the qualities that recommended him were his orthodoxy, technical competence and evident indifference to the limelight.  For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-2 (To Improve English Vocabulary)

  1. orthodoxy (noun) – properness, traditionalism, correctness.
  2. indifference (noun) – lack of concern/interest, disregard, carelessness.
  3. limelight (noun) – the focus of attention, public attention, public notice.
  4. highbrow (adjective) – intellectual, scholarly, well informed/sophisticated.
  5. dispose (verb) – incline, move, inspire.
  6. convergence (noun) – junction/ meeting point, intersection, interchange.
  7. acquaint (with) – known to, familiarize, inform of.
  8. adventurism (noun) – the inclination/readiness to take risks in business or politics.
  9. conservatism (noun) – an act of following traditional values and ideas.
  10. myopic (adjective) – lacking foresight, small-minded, short-term.
  11. opportunistic (adjective) – opportunist, selfish, time-serving.
  12. yield (verb) – relinquish, surrender, hand over.
  13. predecessor (noun) – forerunner, precursor, antecedent.
  14. pliable (adjective) – flexible, adaptable, easily influenced.
  15. trait (noun) – characteristic, feature, quality.
  16. toe the line (phrase) – conform, follow convention, adapt/adjust (specially unwillingly).
  17. denouncement (noun) – the act of condemning, criticizing, censuring.
  18. amiss (adjective) – wrong, incorrect,  improper/inappropriate.
  19. comb (verb) – search, probe carefully, look through.
  20. utterance (noun) – voicing/speaking, expression, delivery.
  21. bound to (adjective) – certain, sure, very likely, guaranteed.
  22. inflict (verb) – impose, force, thrust.
  23. undue (adjective) – excessive, extreme, immoderate.
  24. hardship (noun) –  financial distress, suffering, affliction/trouble.
  25. puzzling (adjective) – perplexing, confusing, bewildering.
  26. buy time (phrase) – linger, dally, take one’s time/waste time.
  27. bystander (noun) – onlooker, passer-by, spectator, eyewitness.
  28. opacity (noun) –  lack of transparency; lack of clarity, obscurity/unclearness.
  29. gag order (noun) – gagging order; it is an order, typically a legal order by a court or government, restricting information or comment from being made public or passed onto any unauthorized third party (Courtesy: Wikipedia).
  30. tardy (adjective) – slow, sluggish, not to be done on time, delayed.
  31. hold up (phrasal verb) – delay, detain; obstruct/hinder.
  32. extinguish (verb) – destroy, wipe out, remove.
  33. take a beating (phrase) – suffer damage.
  34. dividend (noun) – benefit, advantage, gain.
  35. putative (adjective) – claimed, purported; supposed.
  36. flak (noun) – criticism, censure, disapproval.


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