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Death of an activist – The Hindu (Sep 07, 2017)

Death of an activist – The Hindu (Sep 07, 2017)

The murder of journalist-activist Gauri Lankesh in Bengaluru has set off a wave of protests across the country; the chill that has set in is difficult to miss. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

This preview is provided here with permission.

Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1 (To Improve English Vocabulary)

  1. embolden (verb) – give courage, make brave, encourage.
  2. set off (phrasal verb) –  cause, prompt, trigger.
  3. chill (noun) – a sudden and strong feeling of fear.
  4. point-blank (adjective) – at very close range.
  5. temple (noun) – the part between the forehead and the ear.
  6. hallmark (noun) – mark, indication, sure sign.
  7. premeditated (adjective) – deliberate, pre-planned, intended.
  8. assassination (noun) – murder, killing.
  9. remit (noun) – area of responsibility, area of activity, scope.
  10. nab (verb) – catch, arrest, take into custody.
  11. constituency (noun) – a group of people with shared (political) interests/opinions.
  12. wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve (phrase) – make one’s feelings/activities apparent.
  13. come up against (phrasal verb) –  be faced with, confront, encounter.
  14. establishment (noun) – an influential group; the system, the authorities.
  15. creep (verb) – increase slowly and steadily.
  16. progressive (adjective) – continuing, increasing, intensifying.
  17. bear on (verb) – be relevant to; be a burden on something/someone for probing/investigating something.
  18. tabloid (noun) – a newspaper with a compact page (1/2) size smaller than the normal newspaper.
  19. mourn (verb) – feel or show sorrow for the death.
  20. rationalist (noun) – someone who actions based on knowledge & reason rather than on beliefs & emotions.
  21. transcend (verb) – go beyond, rise above: surpass/outshine.
  22. formidable (adjective) – terrifying, intimidating, forbidding.
  23. scare (verb) – frighten, intimidate, threaten.
  24. sniff around (phrasal verb) – investigate secretly.
  25. conviction (noun) – declaration/pronouncement of guilt, sentence, judgement.
  26. expeditiously (adverb) – quickly and efficiently.
  27. bleak (adjective) – unpromising, unfavourable, dismal.


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