Phrase of the Day (down in the weeds)-02MAR23
Phrase of the Day

Phrase of the Day (down in the weeds)-02MAR23

Today’s “Phrase of the Day” is “down in the weeds” and its meaning is “used to describe someone being completely immersed in minute details or complexities of something; used to describe someone being very focused on current problems, work or personal life that he/she is finding it difficult to deal with it”. […….]

Phrase of the Day (have skin in the game)-28FEB23
Phrase of the Day

Phrase of the Day (have skin in the game)-28FEB23

Today’s “Phrase of the Day” is have skin in the game and its meaning is “It is primarily used to convey financial risk/stake in any kind of venture, but you could stretch it to mean some kind of emotional investment; to have a (financial) risk/stake in the outcome of a situation. It is a common saying in business, gambling, finance, and politics”. […….]