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Après le déluge – The Hindu (Aug 31, 2017)

Après le déluge – The Hindu (Aug 31, 2017)

The return of the deluge to Mumbai and the paralysis suffered by the city bring up the question of why Indian cities are unable to improve their resilience to extreme weather events. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

This preview is provided here with permission.

Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1 (To Improve English Vocabulary)

  1. Apres le deluge (phrase in French) – after the flood.
  2. deluge (noun) – severe flood, torrent; downpour, torrential rain.
  3. paralysis (noun) – shutdown, immobilization, stoppage.
  4. resilience (noun) – strength, toughness; the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties.
  5. nucleus (noun) – core, most important part, focus/focal point.
  6. implication (noun) – consequence, result, ramification/repercussion.
  7. distressing (adjective) – upsetting, painful, traumatic.
  8. wrangle (verb) – argue, quarrel, debate/disagree.
  9. scenario (noun) – course of events, situation.
  10. encroachment (noun) –taking away (gradually) of others’ areas (beyond acceptable limits).
  11. traction (noun) – an idea or a product gains popularity/acceptance.
  12. fringe (noun) – perimeter, periphery, border.
  13. underline (verb) – emphasize, highlight, focus on.
  14. compensatory (adjective) – compensating, redemptive, offsetting.
  15. stock up (verb) – fill, store up, collect/accumulate.
  16. cyclical (adjective) – recurrent, recurring, regular.
  17. havoc (noun) – devastation, destruction, damage/catastrophe.
  18. imperative (noun) – vitally important, crucial, necessary.
  19. stilts (noun) – a set of posts/piles supporting a building above the ground.
  20. retrofit (verb) – adding something to the one already constructed/manufactured.
  21. vein (noun) – layer, channel, passage.
  22. callously (adverb) – unfeelingly; heartlessly, insensitively.
  23. underscore (verb) – call attention to, emphasize, highlight.


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