Xi unlimited – The Hindu (Feb 27 2018)

Xi unlimited – The Hindu (Feb 27 2018)

The Chinese Communist Party’s proposal to abolish term limits on the presidency, and thereby allow Xi Jinping to stay on in power beyond 2023 when his second term ends, is not completely unexpected. . For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

This preview is provided here with permission.

Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1 (To Improve English Vocabulary)

  1. successor (noun) –  heir, descendant; replacement/next in line.
  2. break with (phrasal verb) – act in a method against procedure/traditional way.
  3. speculation (noun) – prediction, conjecture/guesswork, opinion/surmise.
  4. set apart (phrasal verb) – distinguish, differentiate, single out/separate.
  5. predecessor (noun) – forerunner, precursor, antecedent.
  6. accord (verb) – give, grant, provide.
  7. stature (noun) – reputation, status, prestige.
  8. oversee (verb) – supervise, manage, control.
  9. pursue (verb) – engage in, follow, conduct.
  10. assertive (adjective) – confident, positive, bold/decisive.
  11. amass (verb) – gather/collect, congregate, assemble.
  12. apparent (adjective) – clear, visible, recognizable.
  13. stint (noun) – time, term, session/spell.
  14. room for manoeuvre (phrase) – freedom/space to act strategically.
  15. take someone by surprise (phrase) – surprise, shock, stun/astonish.
  16. convention (noun) – conference, meeting, summit.
  17. consolidate (verb) – strengthen, secure, reinforce/fortify.
  18. antithesis (noun) – direct opposite, reversal, contrast.
  19. professed (adjective) – declared, avowed, confirmed.
  20. succession (noun) – line of descent, line, descent/dynasty.
  21. powerhouse (noun) – a person/country with a lot of energy, power & influence.
  22. step down (phrasal verb) – resigngive up one’s job, stand down.
  23. groom (verb) – prepare, train, make ready.
  24. personality cult (noun) – excessive public praise/acclamation/admiration of a person, especially a political leader.
  25. chaotic (adjective) – confused,  in disarray, disorganized.



  1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/.
  2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. Use it with the corresponding article published on the source (website) via the link provided. 
  3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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