The strategy of conflict – The Hindu (Advanced Word List-1 To Improve Vocabulary) Mar 16, 2018

The strategy of conflict – The Hindu Mar 16, 2018

A little over two months into 2018, the violence on the Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) stretch of the India-Pakistan border has reached a new high: more than 633 ceasefire violations (CFVs) by Pakistan have been reported by New Delhi which have claimed the lives of 12 civilians and 10 soldiers. . For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Advanced Word List 1 (To Improve English Vocabulary)

  1. ceasefire (noun) – truce; a temporary stoppage of a war.
  2. habitat (noun) – natural environment, natural territory, home/abode.
  3. calibre (noun) – standard, level/grade, quality.
  4. mortar (noun) – a short gun for shooting shells (bombs) at high angles.
  5. artillery (noun) – big guns, ordnance, cannons.
  6. tank (noun) – armoured vehicle, combat vehicle.
  7. sheer (adjective) – utter, total, complete.
  8. calibrated (adjective) – carefully assessed, evaluated.
  9. bombardment (noun) – bombing, shelling (continuous attack).
  10. infiltration (noun) – an act of moving/entering secretively into a place.
  11. sporadic (adjective) – occasional, infrequent, irregular.
  12. rapprochement (noun) – reconciliation, agreement, cooperation.
  13. incumbent (adjective) – current, existing, present.
  14. the establishment (noun) – the authorities, the system, the regime.
  15. outweigh (verb) – supersede, offset, cancel out.
  16. provocation (noun) – prompting, inducement, incitement.
  17. persist (verb) – continue, remain, be prolonged.
  18. hardliner (noun) – a group/a political party with people who support a strict ideas and they are extreme & uncompromising.
  19. beheading (noun) – the act of cutting off a person’s head (as a form of execution).
  20. spate (noun) – series, string, flurry.
  21. up the ante (phrase) – to take an action that raises the stakes (risks), i.e. that increases the chances of conflict/dispute.
  22. concession (noun) – surrender, yielding, giving up.
  23. shun (verb) – avoid, ignore, reject.
  24. laden (with) (adjective) – loaded, burdened, weighed down.
  25. dispensation (noun) – system, arrangement, organization.
  26. muscular (adjective) – vigorous, robust, strong/powerful.
  27. shrink (verb) – lessen, reduce, decrease.
  28. frenzy (noun) – madness, mania/wild behaviour, distraction/agitation.
  29. inferiority (noun) – lowliness, inferior status/position; substandardness.
  30. vis-a-vis (preposition) – in relation to, with regard to.
  31. rhetoric (noun) – heroics/ornateness, hyperbole/extravagant language.
  32. crack down on (phrasal verb) – get tough on, take severe measures against, clamp down on.

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