The New York Times Editorial (End Yemen’s Agony) – Nov 06, 2018

The New York Times Editorial (End Yemen’s Agony) – Nov 06, 2018

To read this editorial, click here.

Courtesy: The New York Times.

Word List-1 for The New York Times Editorial (End Yemen’s Agony) – Nov 06, 2018:

  1. agony (noun) – pain, suffering, torture.
  2. cloud (verb) – confuse, muddle, make unclear.
  3. exile (noun) – banishment, expulsion,deportation.
  4. ruthless (adjective) – merciless, cruel, heartless.
  5. prod (verb) – prompt, drive/push, urge.
  6. ceasefire (noun) – truce; a temporary stoppage of a war.
  7. carnage (noun) – massacre, mass murder, mass destruction.
  8. de facto (adjective) –  Latin phrase, literally means ‘of fact’; actual, existing, effective.
  9. thug (noun) – a criminal, violent person; gangster, murderer, killer.
  10. strangle (verb) – throttle, choke, stifle; to cause a person/animal unable to breathe properly by tightening the neck to block the air flow through the throat.
  11. dismember (verb) – cut off, mutilate, disjoint (the limbs of a person).
  12. the consulate (noun) – embassy; the building where a consul lives and works.
  13. (be) hard on (phrase) – criticize (someone) severely.
  14. furore (or) furor (noun) – commotion, uproar, outcry/agitation.
  15. heart-rending (adjective) – distressing, heartbreaking, painful.
  16. wage (verb) – engage in, carry on, conduct (a war).
  17. sectarian (adjective) – denoting a sect (a group of people); factional, partisan.
  18. (humanitarian) nightmare (noun) – ordeal, torment, burden/curse. (humanitarian crisis (noun) – it is also called as humanitarian disaster; a situation with high levels of human suffering in which basic human welfare is in danger on a large scale).
  19. innumerable (adjective) – countless, numerous, untold.
  20. entangle (verb) – restrict, bog down, prevent.
  21. ordnance (noun) – military supplies (weapons, arms & etc).
  22. call on (phrasal verb) – appeal to, demand; ask/request.
  23. Houthi (adjective) – relating to an Islamic religious-political-armed movement that emerged from Yeman.
  24. pull the plug (phrase) – prevent, terminate, discontinue.
  25. indiscriminate (adjective) – thoughtless/unthinking, careless, unmethodical.
  26. pummel (verb) – strike, hit, thrash (repeatedly).
  27. flee (verb) – run away, take flight, escape (from a place of danger).
  28. proxy (noun) –  representative figure for something (original).
  29. shiite (adjective) – relating to Shia (a branch of Islam).
  30. war of attrition (noun) – a military strategy consisting of aggressive attempts to win a war by wearing down (weakening) the enemy to the point of collapse through continuous losses in personnel and materiel.
  31. submission (noun) – yielding, surrender, capitulation.
  32. blockade (noun) – barricade, barrier (obstruction of supply of essential goods and others to an area).
  33. punitive (adjective) – harsh, severe/cruel, savage. 
  34. famine (noun) – scarcity of food, food shortages; paucity/poverty.
  35. catastrophic (adjective) – destructive, ruinous, disastrous.
  36. starvation (noun) – extreme hunger, lack of food, famine.


  1. Visit to know the words’ definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc.
  2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for the study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 
  3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

Word List-1 for The New York Times Editorial (End Yemen’s Agony) – Nov 06, 2018:

The New York Times Editorial (End Yemen’s Agony) - Nov 06, 2018 The New York Times Editorial (End Yemen’s Agony) - Nov 06, 2018

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