Confusing consent – The Hindu (Sep 28, 2017)

Confusing consent – The Hindu (Sep 28, 2017)

In acquitting writer-film-maker Mahmood Farooqui of the charge of rape, the Delhi High Court concluded that it could not be established without reasonable doubt whether the incident took place. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1 (To Improve English Vocabulary)

  1. notion (noun) – idea/thought, belief, concept.
  2. consent (noun) – agreement, assent, acceptance.
  3. acquit (verb) – discharge, release, declare innocent.
  4. rationale (noun) – reason/basis; principle; motivation.
  5. unsettling (adjective) – upsetting, disturbing, confusing/perplexing.
  6. stellar (adjective) – exceptional, extraordinary, remarkable.
  7. testimony (noun) – evidence, attestation, affidavit.
  8. corroborate (verb) – confirm, verify, validate.
  9. manifest (verb) – indicate, show, attest/evidence.
  10. trauma (noun) – suffering, agony, pain.
  11. disorientation (noun) – a state of mental confusion.
  12. credence (noun) – credibility, reliability, plausibility/believability.
  13. comprehend (verb) – understand, grasp, fathom.
  14. conviction (noun) – declaration/pronouncement of guilt, sentence, judgement.
  15. platitudinous (adjective) – overused, clichéd, stereotyped.
  16. indefensible (adjective) – unjustified, baseless, illogical/irrational.
  17. account for (phrase) – explain, answer for, rationalize.
  18. phrasing (noun) – expression, saying, communication.
  19. counsel (noun) – lawyer, barrister, legal practitioner.
  20. feeble (adjective) – weak, inadequate, shallow.
  21. negation (noun) – denial, contradiction, repudiation,/disproving.
  22. advances (noun) – sexual approaches, overtures, moves.
  23. sweeping (adjective) – blanket, general, imprecise.
  24. degenerative (adjective) – deteriorating, weakened, emaciated.
  25. adventurism (noun) – the inclination/readiness to take risks in business or politics.
  26. regressive (adjective) – retrograde, unprogressive, negative.
  27. insinuate (verb) – imply, suggest, hint.
  28. inherent (adjective) – intrinsic, built-in, ingrained.
  29. tangential (adjective) – secondary, subsidiary, incidental.
  30. theorize (verb) – speculate, conjecture, hypothesize/posit.


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  2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. Use it with the corresponding article published on the source (website) via the link provided. 
  3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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